Member Profile

Membership type: full
Mokhira Khalikova
Country of origin: Uzbekistan Currently in: Uzbekistan, Tashkent General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2000 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
a doctoral thesis on «Intercultural competence of the language personality in the context of globalization».
Publications resulting from Research:
1. The basis of morality. Textbook ISSN 978-9943-361-98-0. 2011. This textbook is devoted to the moral and ethical education of students, the
formation of general cultural competencies of students.
2. Alphabet of ethics Textbook. ISSN 978-9943-979-27-7. 2015. This monograph is dedicated forming pan-cultural competence, national and
common to humanity value, development of society, life and common subjects
key-competence of pupils.
3. Prevention of suicide among adolescents. ISBN 978-9943-4905-7-3
2017. Methodical manual. This manual is devoted to the prevention of juvenile delinquency, including the prevention of adolescent suicide.
4. The mental nature of phraseological images (on the material of Uzbek, Russian and English languages) ISSN 2199-7977. 2017. Eastern European scientific journal. Germany.
5. The most important strategies of modern education ISSN 2199-7977. 2017. Eastern European scientific journal. Germany.
6. Formation of linguocultural competence in the study of phraseology (on the
material of Uzbek, Russian and English languages). 2017. Tashkent. Materials of the republican conference. Institute of Oriental Studies.
7. On the specificity of the representation of knowledge in the language picture
of the world (on the material of Uzbek, Russian and English languages). 2017. Tashkent. Materials of the republican conference. Institute of Oriental Studies.
8. On the question of the representation of the mental specifics and its
relationship with the linguistic picture of the world. Topical issues of philology.
Materials of the republican conference. 2017. Uzbekistan. Karshi.
9. National mentality and its relationship with the language picture of the world.
2002 No. 6, 23-28. Scientific Journal. Teaching language and literature.
Dr. Mohira Khalikova as rector headed the development of many normative documents of the education system.
Under her guidance, educational and methodological aids were developed, innovations and multimedia technologies were introduced, cooperation with various funds and organizations was realized (UNICEF, Goethe Institute, British Council, Rossotrudnichestvo etc.).
When Mohira Halikova worked as vice-rector of teaching and methodical works Tashkent region institute of retraining and improving the qualification of pedagogical cadres under her direction there have retrained more than 3000 english teachers within evropean programme.
As party leader actively involved the process of building a democratic constitutional state, just a strong civil society in the implementation of state social programs, including the implementation of the state youth policy.
Her priorities in the implementation of the state youth policy are: education of the younger generation in the spirit of morality, patriotism and tolerance; participate in the formulation of laws relating to youth inclusion of young people in the innovative development of the country support for young scientists and entrepreneurs realize their own innovative projects encouraging youth projects in the field of innovative technologies.
Currently, he is a senior researcher at the research institute of pedagogical sciences named after Kara Niyazi and an associate professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami.
Dr. Mohira Khalikova is the author of textbooks for general education schools, more than 100 scientific articles and manuals on ethnolinguistics, sociology, andragogy, educational and innovative ICT technologies.
Actively participates in the implementation of state youth policy, in the development of laws relating to the education and integration of youth in the innovative development of society.
She read lectures on the subjects "Oratory skills", "Teaching methodology", "IT, WEB 2.0. technologies in educational process", "Innovations in education".
As a UNESCO coordinator in the field of education, she participated in the implementation of projects related to key competencies of the 21st century, using WEB 2.0. technologies in the educational process, with information security, engaged in adaptation of educational programme of UNESCO, INTEL in Uzbekistan.
She participated in trainings and conferences of UNESCO which were held in Ukraine, Russia, conducted trainings for teachers and specialists in educational technologies.
Dr. Mohira Halikova wrote a thesis on the subject «The phraseology as the reflection of the national mentality in the language picture of the world».
The object of the research is the phraseological system of Russian and uzbek languages. The aim of the dissertation is to show the reflection of national mentality in the language picture of the world the material in the Russian and Uzbek idioms.
Currently working on a doctoral thesis on «Intercultural competence of the language personality in the context of globalization».
She devoted to the problem of mutual influence of different cultures, preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity of the peoples of the world, interaction between representatives of different ethnic communities.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingDr. Mohira Khalikova read lectures on the subjects «Oratory skills», «Teaching methodology», «ICT application», «WEB 2.0. technologies in educational process», «Innovations in education»
Workshop and Conference Attended
2012 Kiev, Ukraine Intel Teach Leadership Forum workshop for CIS IT experts in education. Intel Teach ProgramAffiliations
the research institute of pedagogical sciences named after Kari NiyaziPresentation given