Member Profile
Membership type: full
Siphephile Ncube
Country of origin: Zimbabwe Currently in: South Africa, Johannesburg General field of specialization: Physics-
2018 Doctorate Physics2014 Master Physics -
Current Research Activities
Publications resulting from Research:
• S. Ncube, C. Coleman, A. Strydom, E. Flahaut, A. de Sousa, S. Bhattacharyya Kondo effect and enhanced magnetic properties in gadolinium functionalized carbon nanotube supramolecular complex. Scientific Reports 8, 8057(2018).
• S. Ncube, C. Coleman, C. Nie, P. Lonchambon, A. Strydom, E. Flahaut, A. de Sousa and S. Bhattacharyya Observation of strong Kondo like features and co-tunnelling in superparamagnetic GdCl3 filled 1D nanomagnets. Journal of Applied Physics (Editor’s pick)
• S. Ncube, A. Naicker, C. Coleman, A. de Sousa, E. Flahaut, A. Strydom and S. Bhattacharyya; Low temperature magneto transport features of rare earth element functionalized carbon nanotube network devices for spintronic applications Proceedings Volume 10036, Fourth Conference on Sensors, MEMS, and Electro-Optic Systems;1003607 (2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2245405
• C. Coleman, S. Khorasani, S. Ncube, D. Mtsuko, C. Botha, C. Sandrock, M. Fernandes, D. Levendis and S. Bhattacharyya Nanomanipulation device fabrication: multilayerd graphene and OFET devices Proceedings Volume 10036, Fourth Conference on Sensors, MEMS, and Electro-Optic Systems;1003608 (2017); doi: 10.1117/12.224544
• D. Mtsuko, T. Aslan, S. Ncube, C. Coleman, D. Wamwangi and S. Bhattacharyya Observation of Aharonov-Bohm and Al'tshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillations in the background of universal conductance fluctuations in silicon nanowires EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 113, 4 (2016)
• G. Chimowa, S. Ncube, S. Bhattacharyya. (2015) Observation of impedance oscillations in single-walled carbon nanotube bundles excited by high-frequency signals. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 111:3, 36001 (2015)
• S. Ncube, G. Chimowa, Z. Chiguvare, and S. Bhattacharyya, Realizing one-dimensional quantum and high-frequency transport features in aligned single-walled carbon nanotube ropes, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 024306 (2014);
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchPostdoctoral fellow at the University of Johannesburg
South African Institute of Physics