Member Profile

Membership type: full
Goolbahor Karimova
Country of origin: Uzbekistan Currently in: Uzbekistan, Andijan General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2018 Master Social and Economic Sciences2001 Master Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudySenior lecturer at the University, conduct lectures and tutorials on Finance, Investments, Financial managemen
Other Awards
Jun 2018Scholarship of Istedod foundation of the President of UzbekistanScholarship of the The "Istedod" Foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Enhance the Professional Skills of Perspective Young Teachers and Scientists. I had a an opportunity for a researcg fellowship in D.A.Tsenov Academy of Economics in Svoshtov, Bolgaria for one monthSep 2017ITEC ScholarshipScholarship of Indian Government ITEC (Indian techninal economic cooperation). I had course Capital markeys and Investment banking in Enterpreneurship Development Institute of India from September 4 till October 15May 2015ERASMUS MUNDUS SCOLARSFIPErasmus Mundus scholarship for the academic staff, for university staff at the University of Genoa and University of Balearic IslandsJan 2012Scholarship for postrgaduate studyScholarshipr for the research at the Saint-Petersburgh state university of economicsSep 2001Scholarship of the Umid foundation of the President of UzbekistanScholarship of the President of Uzbekistan to study abroad for Master's degree