Member Profile

Membership type: full
Early Career Fellowship OWSD Award
Tista Prasai Joshi
Country of origin: Nepal Currently in: Nepal, Satdobato, Lalitpur-15, Nepal General field of specialization: Biological Systems and OrganismsEarly Career Fellowship OWSD Award
2017 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Water Treatment, Water Quality, water microbiology, adsorption technology
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Tista Prasai Joshi, Gong Zhang, William. A. Jefferson, Aleksandr V. Perfilev, Ruiping Liu, Huijuan Liu, and Jiuhui Qu. Adsorption of aromatic organoarsenic compounds by ferric and manganese binary oxide and description of the associated mechanism, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 309: 577-587
2. Tista Prasai Joshi, Gong Zhang, Hanyang Cheng, Ruiping Liu, Huijuan Liu, and Jiuhui Qu. Transformation of para arsanilic acid by manganese oxide: Adsorption, oxidation, and influencing factors, Water Research, 2017, 116: 126-134
3. Tista Prasai Joshi, Gong Zhang, Rashmi Koju, Zenglu Qi, Ruiping Liu, Huijuan Liu, and Jiuhui Qu. The removal efficiency and insight into the mechanism of para arsanilic acid adsorption on Fe-Mn framework, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 601-602, 713-722..
4. Tista Prasai Joshi, Rashmi Koju, Hanyang Cheng, Zenglu Qi, Ruiping Liu, Yaohui Bai, Chengzhi Hu, Jianfeng Peng and Dev Raj Joshi. High efficient removal of 4‑aminophenylarsonic acid from aqueous solution via enhanced FeOOH using Mn(VII), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 1-11,
5. Pratikshya Shrestha, Tista Prasai Joshi, Sarala Nhemhaphuki, Kusal Sitoula, Jyoti Maharjan, Rosa Ranjit, Prakash Shrestha, Dev Raj Joshi. Occurrence of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Their Genes in Bagmati River, Nepal. Water Air Soil Pollution 234, 475 (2023).
6. Sunita Shrestha, Sayara Bista, Naina Byanjankar, Suraj Shrestha, Dev Raj Joshi & Tista Prasai Joshi. (2023) Groundwater quality evaluation for drinking purpose using water quality index in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Water Science, 37:1, 239-250.
7. Rajeshwori Malla‑Pradhan,· Khamphe Phoungthong, Thitipone Suwunwong, Tista Prasai Joshi,·Bijay Lal Pradhan Microplastic pollution in lakeshore sediments: the first report on abundance and composition of Phewa Lake, Nepal, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 60694–60703,
8. Jyoti Giri, Sweccha Raut, Binita Rimal, Rameshwar Adhikari, Tista Prasai Joshi, Ganesh Shah, Impact of air pollution on human health in different geographical locations of Nepal, Environmental Research, 115669,
9. Rajeshwori Malla-Pradhan, Bijay Lal Pradhan, Khamphe Phoungthong and Tista Prasai Joshi Microplastic in Freshwater Environment: A Review on Techniques and Abundance for Microplastic Detection in Lake Water, Trends in Sciences, 1-15, 2023,
10. Sushil R Kanel, Tonoy K Das, Rajender S Varma, Sudarshan Kurwadkar, Sudip Chakraborty, Tista Prasai Joshi, Achintya N Bezbaruah, Mallikarjuna N Nadagouda Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater: Geochemical Basis of Treatment Technologies, ACS Environmental Au, 2023,
11. Rajeshwori Malla‑Pradhan, Bijay Lal Pradhan, Khamphe Phoungthong, and Tista Prasai Joshi, Occurrence and Distribution of Microplastics from Nepal’s Second Largest Lake, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2022,
12. Rajeshwori Malla-Pradhan, Bijay Lal Pradhan, Tista Prasai Joshi, and Khamphe Phoungthong, Water quality assessment through numerical indices in Phewa Lake, Nepal, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 1-15,
13. Jing Luo, Shiyu Miao, Rashmi Koju, Tista Prasai Joshi, Ruiping Liu Huijuan Liu, and Jiuhui Qu Simultaneous removal of aromatic pollutants and nitrate at high concentrations by hypersaline denitrification: Long-term continuous experiments investigation, Water Research, 2022, 118292,
14. Prabin Dawadi, Rachana Shrestha, Subeksha Mishra, Sayara Bista, Jaya Kant Raut, and Tista Prasai Joshi, Lok Ranjan Bhatt, Nutritional value and antioxidant properties of Viburnum mullaha Buch.? Ham. ex D. Don fruit from central Nepal, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2022,
15. Prabin Dawadi, Santosh Khanal, Tista Prasai Joshi, Sudeep Kc, Reshma Tuladhar, Bijaya Laxmi Maharjan, Anjani Darai, Dev Raj Joshi, Antibiotic Resistance, Biofilm Formation and Sub-Inhibitory Hydrogen Peroxide Stimulation in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Microbiology Insights, 2022, 1-9,
16. Rajeshwori Malla‑Pradhan, Thitipone Suwunwong, Khamphe Phoungthong, and Tista Prasai Joshi, Bijay Lal Pradhan, Microplastic pollution in urban Lake Phewa, Nepal: the first report on abundance and composition in surface water of lake in different seasons, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022,
17. Prabin Dawadi, Christina Khadka, Manita Shyaula, Gopiram Syangtan, Tista Prasai Joshi, Samantha H Pepper, Sushil R Kanel, Lok R Pokhrel, Prevalence of metallo-β-lactamases as a correlate of multidrug resistance among clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in Nepal, Science of The Total Environment, 2022
18. Marina Vaidya Shrestha, Bishnu P Choulagai, Tista Prasai Joshi, Shiva Raj Adhikari, and Bandana Pradhan, Factors associated with diarrheal disease among under five children in Godawari Municipality of Nepal: A cross-sectional study, Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 2021, 6(2)269-280. 10.19204/2021/fctr12
19. Zenglu Qi, Ruiping Liu, Tista Prasai Joshi, Jianfeng Peng, and Jiuhui Qu, Highly efficient removal of selenite by electrolysis-assisted nano-Zerovalent Iron (nZVI): Implication for corrosion and reduction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405(1)126564
20. Jasmita Khadgi, Rajan Thapa, Tista Prasai Joshi, and Rejina Maskey Byanju, Effectiveness of vehicle-free zone in reducing air pollution, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2020, 1-12
21. Kun Li, Min Yang, Jianfeng Peng, Ruiping Liu, Tista Prasai Joshi, Yaohui Bai, and Huijuan Liu, Rapid control of black and odorous substances from heavily polluted sediment by oxidation: Efficiency and effects, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, 13(6): 87
22. Zenglu Qi, Tista Prasai Joshi, Ruiping Liu, Yiran Li, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu, Adsorption combined with superconducting high gradient magnetic separation technique used for removal of arsenic and antimony, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 343, 36-48
23. Zenglu Qi, Tista Prasai Joshi, Ruiping Liu, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu, Synthesis of Ce(III)-doped Fe3O4 magnetic particles for efficient removal of antimony from aqueous solution, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 329: 193-204
24. Zenglu Qi, Huachun Lan, Tista Prasai Joshi, Ruiping Liu, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu, Enhanced oxidative and adsorptive capability towards antimony by copper-doping into magnetite magnetic particles, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(71): 66990-67001
25. Ruiping Liu, Wei Xu, Zan He, Huachun Lan, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu, and Tista Prasai, Adsorption of antimony (V) onto Mn(II) enriched surfaces of manganese oxide and FeMn binary oxide, Chemosphere, 2015, 138:66-624.
Peer-Reviewed National Journals
26. Hareram Devkota, Dilip Kumar Jha, Tista Prasai Joshi, Shreemat Shrestha, Mahendra Prasad Bhandari, Nabaraj Poudel Exploration of sustainable live fish business in Nepal. The Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 2023, 24, 137-148.
27. Pawan Kumar Neupane, Sunil Babu Shrestha, Dipesh Rupakheti, Dev Raj Joshi, Tista Prasai Joshi, A Short-Term Measurement of PM2. 5 Concentration during the COVID-19 Lockdown period in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2022, 73-80,
28. Rajeshwori Malla-Pradhan, Bijay Lal Pradhan, Tista Prasai Joshi, Khamphe Phoungthong, Saroj Gyawali, A Review on microplastic in freshwater lake sediments from Asian countries: methods and abundance, BMC Journal of Scientific Research, 2022, 1–10
29. Saraswati Gaihre, Sujata Dhungel, Smrita Acharya, Samikshya Kandel, Naina Byanjankar, and Tista Prasai Joshi Quality appraisal of drinking water from different sources in Nepal, Scientific World, 2022, 15 (15), 96-102.
30. Sujan Maharjan, Tista Prasai Joshi, Rashmi Koju, and Sujan Man Shrestha physicochemical and bacteriological analysis of groundwater quality of Kathmandu valley, Journal of Natural History Museum, 2020, 31(1), 123-134.
31. Samita Ghartimagar, Puja Khatri, Swekshya Neupane, Dev Raj Joshi, and Tista Prasai Joshi Evaluation of groundwater quality of Kathmandu valley and antibiotic susceptibility test against Klebsiella pneumoniae, Tribhuvan University Journal of Microbiology, 2020, 7, 83-90.
32. Rashmi Koju, Agni Dhakal, Sushila Gwachha, Dev Raj Joshi, Tista Prasai Joshi, and Sujen Man Shrestha Adsorption of Inorganic As(III) from Aqueous Solutions by Iron-Manganese Oxide, 2020, Scientific World, 13 (13), 46-50
33. Sushila Gwachha, Bishwa Nath Acharya, Agni Dhakal, Sujen Man Shrestha, Tista Prasai Joshi Assessment of arsenic content in deep groundwater of Kathmandu valley, Nepal, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology (NJST) 2020, 19(1): 69-77
34. Manisha Maskey, Laxminarasimha Sharma Annavarapu, Tista Prasai, Dharma Raj Bhatta Physical, chemical, and microbiological analysis of bottled water in Pokhara, Nepal, Journal of Chitwan Medical College 2020;10(32):25-28.
35. Jasmita Khadgi, Rejina Maskey Byanju, Rajan Thapa, Tista Prasai Joshi. Effectiveness of vehicle-free zone in Thamel, Kathmandu, Proceeding of Research Seminar on Climate Change, 2019, 1-9.
36. Sujan Maharjan, Tista Prasai Joshi, and Sujen Man Shrestha Poor quality of treated water in Kathmandu: comparison with Nepal drinking water quality standards, Tribhuvan University Journal of Microbiology, 2018, 5, 83-88
37. Sujen Man Shrestha, Kanchan Thapa, and Tista Prasai Joshi. Diurnal air quality monitoring in Khumaltar area, Lalitpur, Nepal, Hydro Nepal Journal of Water Energy and Environment, 2015, 61-65.
38. Sujen Man Shrestha, Kanchan Thapa, and Tista Prasai Joshi. Particulate pollution and its effect on respiratory symptoms of exposed personnel’s in three heavy traffic cities, Kathmandu, Journal of Nepal Public Health Association, 2015, 6, 33-239.
39. Neel Kamal Koju, Tista Prasai, Sujen Man Shrestha, and Prakash Raut. Drinking water quality of Kathmandu valley, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2014, 15, 115-120.
40. Prabin Shakya, Tista Prasai Joshi, Dev Raj Joshi, and Dwij Raj Bhatta. Evaluation of physicochemical and microbiological parameters of drinking water supplied from distribution systems of Kathmandu Municipality, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2012, 13 (2), 179-184
41. Suraj Bishankha, Tista Prasai Joshi, Dev Raj Joshi, and Dwij Raj Bhatta. Assessment of microbial quality of chlorinated drinking tap water and susceptibility of gram-negative bacterial isolates towards chlorine. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2012, 13 (1), 173-178.
42. Tista Prasai Joshi and Sujen Man Shrestha. Groundwater quality of Kathmandu valley, Proceedings of the seminar in water and food security, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal, 2012.
43. Steven H. Emerman, Tista Prasai, Ryan B. Anderson, and Mallory A. Palmer. Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Kathmandu valley, Nepal, as a consequence of rapid erosion. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 2010, 40, 49-60.
44. Srijana Manandhar, Tista Prasai, and Kayo Devi Yami. Assessment of drinking water quality of sub-urban regions of Kathmandu. Journal of Natural History Museum, 2010, 25, 14-21.
45. Bina Laxmi Jayana, Tista Prasai, Anjana Singh, and Kayo Devi Yami. Study of antimicrobial activity of lime juice against Vibrio cholera, Scientific World, MOEST, 2010, 8, 44-46.
46. Bina Laxmi Jayana, Tista Prasai, Anjana Singh, and Kayo Devi Yami. Assessment of drinking water quality of Madhypur-Thimi and study of antibiotic sensitivity against bacterial isolates. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2009, 10, 167-172.
47. Jasmine Diwakar, Kayo Devi Yami, and Tista Prasai. Assessment of drinking water of Bhaktapur municipality area in pre-monsoon season, Scientific World, MOEST, 2008, 6, 94-98.
48. Anup Muni Bajracharya, Kayo Devi Yami, Tista Prasai, Shital Raj Basnyat, and Binod Lekhak. Screening of some medicinal plants used in Nepalese traditional medicine against enteric bacteria. Scientific World, MOEST, 2008, 6, 107-110.
49. Jasmine Diwakar, Tista Prasai, Shankar Raj Pant, and Bina Laxmi Jayana. Study on major pesticides and fertilizers used in Nepal, Scientific World, MOEST, 2008, 6, 76-80.
50. Tista Prasai, Kayo Devi Yami, and Dev Raj Joshi. Microbial load on paper/polymer currency and coins, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2008, 9, 105-109.
51. Anup Muni Bajracharya, Kayo Devi Yami, Tista Prasai, Shital Raj Basnyat, Binod Lekhak. Assessment of drinking water quality of Kathmandu metropolitan areas. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 2007, 8, 113-118.
52. Tista Prasai, Binod Lekhak, Dev Raj Joshi, Madhav Prasad Baral. Microbiological analysis of drinking water of Kathmandu valley. Scientific World, MOEST, 2007, 5, 112-114.
53. Tista Prasai, Binod Lekhak, and Madhav Prasad Baral. Anti-bacterial property of Medicinal Plants against Gram-negative Bacteria. Fourth National Conference on Science and Technology, 2004.
Science Awareness Articles (Nepali Language)
1. Tista Prasai Joshi (2022) “Ke Pani ko Gunasthar Parichhan Ganrnu Pardachha? Why should we test the quality of water?” Annual Report, Analytical Service Center, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur.
2. Tista Prasai Joshi and Dev Raj Joshi (2021) “Dhal ma Corona Virus Samudai ma COVID-19 Sankraman – Waste water-based epidemiology for COVID 19”- Smarika, Tribhuvan University, Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST), Nepal
3. Tista Prasai Joshi (2020) “CORONA ko Saya Sabal- “Hundred Questions on CORONA”, Scientist Nepal, Combat COVID-19, E-Platform
4. Dev Raj Joshi and Tista Prasai Joshi (2020) “COVID-10 ko Nidan ma RT PCR parichhan bidhi” Bigyan Lekhamala, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. (In Nepali- Diagnosis method for COVID-19 by RT-PCR)
5. Tista Prasai Joshi (2018) “Arsenic yukta Padartha bata Pani Pradushan” Bigyan Lekhamala, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. (In Nepali-Organic Arsenic related Problems and Water Pollution)
6. Tista Prasai Joshi (2018) “Kathmandu Upatyaka Khane Pani Ko Gunsthar Sambandhi Bibidh Sabal Haru” Nepal Pani, Department of Water Supply and Sewerage. (In Nepali- Drinking water Quality)
7. Tista Prasai (2009): “Guna Stariya Khanepani: Nepal Ko Chunauti” Bigyan Lekhamala, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur (In Nepali - Water quality and its Challenges)
8. Tista Prasai (2005): “Guna Stariya Khanepani Ra Janaswasthya” Bigyan Lekhamala, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. (In Nepali -Water quality and public health)
9. Tista Prasai (2001): “Bayu Pradushan: Karan Ra Nirakaran”, Environment Today a Journal published by Environment for All "EFA"-Nepal, A NGO working in the field of Environment and Public Health in Nepal. (In Nepali - Air Pollution: Cause and control)
10. Tista Prasai (2001): “HIV and AIDS”, Microcosm: The little world, 2001, A magazine published by Central Dept. of Microbiology, T. U., Kathmandu, Nepal.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchResearch on Water Quality and Treatment Environmental Awareness Program
OWSD Awards
Feb 2019OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award for Early Career Women ScientistsFor her research in developing novel metal oxide adsorbents to remove harmful organic and inorganic arsenic compounds efficiently from water.Other Awards
Jun 2017Excellent International Student awardUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesSep 2017Nepal Bidhya Bhushan- Class-AReceived from Right Honorable President Bidhya Devi Bhandari of Nepal, for achievements in Ph.D. Research -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded
Early Career Fellowship awarded 2019