Member Profile

Membership type: full
Sunitha Vangala
Country of origin: India Currently in: India, Dwaraka Nagar, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh State 516003 General field of specialization: Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences-
2004 Doctorate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences2000 Master Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences1997 Master Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences1995 Undergraduate Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Fluoride groundwater studies,, urban pollution studies, Remote sensing, GIS
Publications resulting from Research:
Geospatial Analysis of Fluoride contamination in Groundwater of Southeastern part of Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. Management of Natural Resources in a Changing Environment, Management of Natural Resources in a Changing Environment, Edited N. Janardhana Raju, Wolfgang Gossel, and M.Sudhakar, Capital publishing company, New Delhi Co-published by Springer, International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland: pp. 56-69.
V.Sunitha* and B.Muralidhara Reddy Defluoridation of water using Mentha longifolia (Mint) as Bioadsorbent J. Ind. Geophys. Union. 2018. 22(2):207-211
V.Sunitha, J Abdullah Khan., M. Ramakrishna Reddy.2016. Evaluation of Groundwater Resource Potential using GIS and Remote Sensing Application, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 6(1):116-122.
V. Sunitha, J. Abdullah Khan, M. Prasad and M. Ramakrishna Reddy. 2016. Seasonal variation of groundwater quality in parts of Kadapa and Anantapur Districts Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. 6 (5) 05-08.
SunithaV, Reddy B.Rajeswara Reddy M.Ramakrishna.2012. Groundwater Quality Evaluation with special Reference to fluoride and nitrate Pollution in Uravakonda, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh- a case study Andhra Pradesh, India International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment. 2(1): 88-96.
Sunitha. V, Muralidhara Reddy.B, Jagadish Kumar.M, Ramakrishna Reddy.M.2012. GIS based Groundwater Quality Mapping in Southeastern part of Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 2(3): 805-814.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingTeaching Post graduate Geology students since 2007
Workshop and Conference Attended
2017 USA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING 2017.2015 S.V University, Tirupati, • 8th Refresher Course in “Environmental Studies”, (UGC, HRDC Sponsored),Affiliations
International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), UKIndian science congress associationInternational Society for Environmental Information Sciences (ISEIS)Presentation given
2017.VANGALA, Sunitha, Mark P.S., 2017. Geogenic contamination of Fluoride in Groundwater of Uravakonda, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Washington State Convention Center Seattle, WA, USA 22-25 October, 2017USAEvent: Geological society of America Annual Meeting -
TWAS Awards
Dec 2007AwardYoung Scientist, DST Department of Science and TechnologyOther Awards
Jun 2016Raman Post Doctoral FellowRaman post Doctoral fellowship: USA (sponsored by U.G.C New Delhi, India)Jun 2000CSIR UGC-NET Eligibility for Lectureship, 2000.UGC-NET Eligibility for Lectureship, 2000.