Member Profile
Membership type: full
El Abboubi Mouna
Country of origin: Morocco Currently in: Republic of Türkiye, Izmit , Kocaeli General field of specialization: Physics-
2018 Master Physics -
Current Research Activities
Internship at IRESEN - Reaserch Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies - Topic: «Comparative Study of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and Their Applications »Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyPhd Student at Kocaeli University
Workshop and Conference Attended
16 to 20 October 2017 Faculty of Science, Fayoum University- Egypt Practical training course on “solar energy”Training in Photovoltaics, Summer School, topic Green Technologies Morocco Training in Photovoltaics, Summer School, topic Green Technologies -
Other Awards
Aug 2018Turkish gouvernement ScholarshipTürkiye Scholarships is a government-funded, competitive scholarship program, awarded to outstanding students to pursue full-time or short-term program at the top universities in Turkey. Türkiye Scholarships aims to build a network of future leaders committed to strengthening cooperation among countries and mutual understanding among societies.