Member Profile
Membership type: full
Aysha Rasheed
Country of origin: Pakistan Currently in: Pakistan, Karachi General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2015 Doctorate Other -
Current Research Activities
Population and seed germination ecology of coastal and inland halophytes.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Abideen, Z., Qasim, M., Hussain, T., Rasheed, A., Gul, B., Koyro, H.W., Ansari, R. and Khan, M.A. 2018. Salinity improves growth, photosynthesis and bioenergy characteristics of Phragmites karka. Crop & Pasture Science. DOI:10.1071/CP18154.
2. Rasheed, A. Hameed, A. Khan, M.A. and Gul, B. 2016. Variation in temperature and light but not salinity invoke antioxidant enzyme activities in germinating seeds of Salsola drummondii. Plant Biosystems, DOI:10.1080/11263504.2014.1001463.
3. Rasheed, A. Hameed, A. Khan, M. A. and Gul, B. 2015. Effects of salinity, temperature, light and dormancy regulating chemicals on seed germination of Salsola drummondii Ulbr. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(1): 11-19.
4. Abideen, Z., Qasim, M., Rasheed A., Adnan, M.Y., Gul, B., and Ajmal, M. 2015. Antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of Phragmites karka under saline conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany.
5. Hameed, A. Rasheed, A. Gul, B. and Khan, M.A. 2014. Salinity inhibits seed germination of perennial halophytes Limonium stocksii and Suaeda fruticosa by reducing water uptake and ascorbate dependent antioxidant system. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 107: 32-38.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education Study
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Institute of Sustainable Halophyte Utilization (ISHU), University of Karachi, Pakistan Sustainable Development: Halophytes for Green revolution2018 Institute of Sustainable Halophyte Utilization (ISHU), University of Karachi, Pakistan UNESCO World's Mangroves Day2018 Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan The 7th International and 16th National Conference of PBS: “Plant Resources: Current Trends, Challenges and Solutions”Affiliations
Pakistan Botanical Society