Member Profile
Membership type: full
Early Career Fellowship
Kassaye Tolessa Sherge
Country of origin: Ethiopia Currently in: Ethiopia, Addis Ababa General field of specialization: Agricultural SciencesEarly Career Fellowship
2017 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
- NIRS model development and validation for coffee, oil seed, maize, tef and chickpea - Ethiopian coffee quality profiling in relation to biophysical factors
Publications resulting from Research:
Some of the results were published:
Tolessa, K. et al. (2018). Analysis of coffee quality along the coffee value chain in Jimma zone, Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(29), 1468-1475.
Tolessa, K., Rademaker, M., De Baets, B., & Boeckx, P. (2016). Prediction of specialty coffee cup quality based on near infrared spectra of green coffee beans. Talanta, 150: 367-374.
Tolessa, K. et al. (2017). Influence of growing altitude, shade and harvest period on quality and biochemical composition of Ethiopian specialty coffee. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97(9), 2849-2857
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research- Developing project proposal - Conducting research - Writing research paper for completed research activities. - Working as project coordinator of NIR based research activities at EIAR
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Abuja, Nigeria Leadershiop program for African Research and Development2018 Jimma, Ethiopia Consultative Workshop on Ethiopian Coffee Quality Profile Mapping:2015 Adama, Ethiopia Nuffic closing work shop: Value chain management seminar NICHE ETH-0192017 Haromaya University 6th Biennial Conference of Ethiopian Horticulture Science SocietyPresentation given
2018Biophysical control of coffee quality: the case of southwestern EthiopiaJimma, EthiopiaEvent: Consultative Workshop on Ethiopian Coffee Quality Profile Mapping2014Prediction of specialty coffee cup quality based on near infrared spectra of green coffee beansArmenia, ColombiaEvent: The 25th conference on coffee science -
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship with OWSD
Fellowship awarded
Early Career Fellowship awarded 2019