Member Profile

Membership type: full
Salma Pervin
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Dhaka General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2017 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2005 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
-Development of drought tolerant variety. -Identification of donor parent for hybridization program. -characterization of rice germplasm. -Genetic diversity of rice genotypes.
Publications resulting from Research:
LIst of publication:
1. Pervin, M. S., A. R. Gomosta and J. U. Ahmed. 2010. Effect of age on the survival and recovery of submerged rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Bangladesh J. Bot. 39 (1):21-28
2. Pervin, M. S., A. R. Gomosta, J. U. Ahmed, R. Yasmeen and M.S. Islam. 2006. Effect of turbid water and black cloth cover on submergence tolerance of rice. The Agriculturists. 4 (1 and 2): 1-6
3. Pervin, M. S., T. Halder, M. Khalequzzaman, M. A. Kader, T. L. Aditya and R. Yasmeen. 2017. Genetic Diversity and Screening of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Drought Tolerance at Reproductive Phase. Bangladesh Rice J. 21(1):27-34
4. Pervin, M. S. and J. K. Biswas. 2010. Determination of growth stages of some rice varieties as affected by sowing time. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 3 (3): 159-165
5. Pervin, M. S. and J. K. Biswas. 2010. Effect of submergence on the ripening phase of Boro rice. Eco-friendly Agril. J. 3 (8): 376-380
6. Pervin, M. S., S.S. Parul and Kabita. 2010. Effect of nitrogen content of rice seedling on recovery after submergence. Intl. J. Biores. 8(3): 45-50
7. Pervin, M. S. and J. U. Ahmed. 2007. Effect of Phosphorus on submergence tolerance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedling. Bangladesh Rice J. 12 (1and 2): 105-109.
8. Pervin, M. S. and A. R. Gomosta. 2005. Submergence effect on T. Aman rice varieties with respect to photoperiod sensitivity and recovery stage N- management practices. J. Subtrop. Agric. Res. Dev. 3 (1): 73-77.
9. Biswas, J. K., M. S. Islam, R. Yasmeen, M . S. Pervin, M. S. Kabir and S. Alam. 2002. Relative contribution of the coleoptile and the first leaf length to seedling establishment of rice (Oryza sativa L.) as affected by anaerobic seeding in two different soils. Pakistan J. Biological Sciences. 5 (4): 413-415.
10. Islam. A., J.C. Biswas, A.J.M. Sirajul Karim, M. S. Pervin and M.A. Saleque. 2016. Effects of potassium fertilizer on growth and yield of wetland rice in grey terrace soils of Bangladesh. Research on Crop Ecophysiology. 10/2 (2): 64-82.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchDevelopment of drought tolerant variety. -Identification of donor parent for hybridization program. -characterization of rice germplasm. -Genetic diversity of rice genotypes.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2018 Marina Bay Sands, Singapore 5th International Rice Congress (IRC)2017 Hyderabad, India InterDrought-V Conference2014 Delhi, India Review workshop of STRASA Phase 2 and launching of STRASA Phase 32018 ACI Centre, Dhaka Transforming Rice Breeding: Current status and way Forward2018 Agargaon, Dhaka 25th Anniversary celebrating by OWSD in Bangladesh2017 KIB & BARC, Dhaka 10th Biennial Conference 2017, Plant Breeding and Genetics Society of Bangladesh.2016 KIB, Dhaka 5th National Convention and International Agricultural Conference2011 Dhaka Stress-tolerant rice for Africa and South Asia (Phase 2) planning workshop