Member Profile

Membership type: full
Salina Akter
Country of origin: Bangladesh Currently in: Bangladesh, Gazipur, General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2013 Master Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Working as a Scientific Officer in Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute from May 2012 to until now, Bangladesh. I provided Seminar on roles of SlWRKY transgenes in response to salinity and owdery mildew inoculation in Tomato (2019). Now, I am working on oxidative stress tolerant mechanism in different crops under stress. I am also working on different related genes expression under stress condition.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. M.S.Akter, M.R.Islam, S.S. Siddique, M.A.Akhi, R. Momotaz and S. Hossain. PAPER ON ANTHER AND MICROSPORE CULTURE OF SRI TOBACCO, Global scientific journal: Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
2. M.S.Akter, M.R.Islam, S.S.Siddique, M.A. Akhi, R. Momotaz and S. Hossain. PAPER ON TUBER FORMATION IN POTATO (SOLANUM TUBEROSUM), Global scientific journal: Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
3. M. S. Akter, M.R. Islam, S.S.Siddique, R.Momotaz ,M. Arifunnahar REVIEW ON INSECTICIDE-TREATED BED-NETS FOR MALARIA MOSQUITO CONTROL, Global scientific journal: Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
4. M. S. Akter, S. S. Siddique, R. Momotaz, M. Arifunnahar, K. M. Alam, S. J. Mohiuddin. Biological Control of Insect Pests of Agricultural Crops through Habitat Management Was Discussed. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment.8, 1-13 (2019).
5. M. S. Akter, A Biswas, S.S. Siddique, S. Hossain and N. A. Ivy. Estimation of Genetic Diversity in onion (Allium cepa L.). A Scientific Journal of Krishi Foundation. The Agriculturists 13 (1): 26-34 (2015).
6. M. S. Akter, N. A. Ivy, M. A.K. Mian and M. M.Hoque.Variability and Character association for Reproductive Traits in Onion (Allium cepa L). Bangladesh J. Pl. Breed. Genet. 24(1):27-32 (2011).
7. M. S. Akter, S. Rahman, M.S.Islam, N.A.Ivy and M.H. Rahman .Using banana Extract for the Preparation of Flavoured Yogurt. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. (2013) 17(1&2):151-158.
8. S. S. Siddique, A. U. Ahmed, M. S. Akter, M. M.Islam and I. H. Mian. 2013. First report on Botrytis Blight (Botrytis gladiolorum) of gladiolus from Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Plant Pathol.29 (1&2):5-10.
9. M.A.Uddin, K.S. Rahman, M.M. Rahman, N.Mohammad and M.S.Akter. Development of Online System for Data Collection, Documentation and Mapping of Mustard in Chalan Beel Area of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 15 (1 &2):47- 54 (2015).
10. S. Hossain, M. Salim, M. S. Akter, S. Afroz and M. S. Noman. Genetic Diversity of Drought Tolerant Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes. A Scientific Journal of Krish Foundation. Agriculturists 13(2): 133-139(2015).
11. M.R.Islam, M.S. Akter, S.S.Siddique, M.A. Akhi, R. Momotaz and M. Arifunnahar. STUDY ON THE ASSOCIATION OF DIFFERENT FUNGAL MICROFLORA IN CASSAVA. Global scientific journal: Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
12. M.R.Islam, M.S.Akter, S.S. Siddique, M.A.Akhi, R. Momotaz and M. Arifunnahar. SURVEY ON CASSAVA DISEASES IN SOME SELECTED AREAS OF BANGLADESH, Global scientific journal: Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchGenetic variability and diversity study of maize, recycling for inbred lines development of maize, evaluation of abiotic stress of corn varieties, hybridization of barley, performances evaluation of different generation of barley, preliminary yield trial of hull-less barley and collection, characterization and maintenance of millets germplasm. Oxidative stress tolerant mechanism as well as different related genes expression in different crops under stress condition.
Presentation given
2019Seminar on roles of SlWRKY transgenes in response to salinity and owdery mildew inoculation in TomatoBangladesh Agricultural Research institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.Event: Seminar on roles of SlWRKY transgenes in response to salinity and owdery mildew inoculation in Tomato