Member Profile

Membership type: full
Hafsa Mohammed Mohammed Al-Yamani
Country of origin: Yemen Currently in: Republic of Türkiye, IZMIR General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2018 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2010 Master Agricultural Sciences2006 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Postdoctoral program in dairy science.( i am now running in the crying out my research experiments for post-doctoral in the EGE university, Turkey This research aimed to evaluate three level of concentrations from egg yolk inclusion rates (3, 1.5 and without egg yolk%) compared with control egg yolk (7% egg yolk) in the semen extender of goat semen cryopreserved for long years.) Before that, I got my PhD in the field of breeding and improving agricultural animals and genetics.
Publications resulting from Research:
List of my publication
1- Physiological adaptation associated with expressions of heat shock protein in dairy goats
2- Seasonal patteren of hsp expressions associated with physiological response in goats subjected various climatic conditions
3- Impact change climate on the milk production in the dairy goats under hot conditions
4- Study on heat shock protein concentration and dairy performances in heat stresses goats
5- The change concentration level of Hsp70 in the different age in the goats in various seasons
6- Association HSP70with some physiological parameters in dairy goat under south Turkey conditions
7- Concentration level of hsp in the dairy goats under varation seasons.
8- Investigating the effects of divergence selection parameter and Japanese Quail differences (low – high) according to body weight
9- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Related to Major Livestock keeping in Turkey
10- Study on some fertility production problems concerning frezian cow breed under the Yemeni environmental circumstances
11- Dairy sector in Yemen – a driving force for food security 12- Impact change climate on the milk production in the dairy goat.
12- Effect heat stress on the increasing consumption of wateron the performance of goat. Under working.
13- Effect heat stress on the increasing of water on the production milk in the goat. Under working.
14- Effect heat stress on the increasing consumption of water and related with effecting on the quality of milk in the goat. Under process.
15- Related of consumption of water in the cold stress with kind of strain in the goat. Under working. this is my link, you can view all my academic research and posts on Google Scholar . .
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Otherresearch experiments