Member Profile

Membership type: full
Hai Nguyen Thi Quy
Country of origin: Vietnam Currently in: Vietnam, Hanoi General field of specialization: Physics-
1981 Doctorate Physics -
Current Research Activities
Research on the field of Material Science : - Nano- scale , RARE 3+ activated luminescent materials ( Synthesis, nano structure, optical properties and potential applications in electronics and biomedicine ) - Thermoluminescent materials for radiations dosimetry.
Publications resulting from Research:
N.T.Q.Hai, T.K.Anh, P.T.M.Chau, V.T.T.Ha, H. V.Tuyen, T, Huong, H.T.Phuong, L.Q.Minh, Multistep Synthesis and Upconversion Luminescence of Spherical Gd2O3 : Er 3+ and Gd2O3 : Er3+ @ Silica, 2019, Journal of Materials Science : Materials in Electronics ( JMSE), 31 ( 4), 3354 – 3360, Springer Nature Publisher
P.T.M.Chau, N. T.Q.Hai, H.V.Tuyen, V.X.Quang and Masayuki Nogami, Control valence and luminescence properties of Cerium ions in aluminosilicate glass fabricated by sol - gel method, 2019, Journal of Electronic Materials Vol 48 (2019),11, 6972 – 6979, Springer Nature Publisher
T.K.Anh, P.T.M.Chau, N.T.Q.Hai, V.T.T.Ha, H.V.Tuyen, Sengthong Bounyavong, N.T.Thanh and L.Q.Minh,Facile Fabrication and properties of Gd2O3: Eu3+, Y2O3: Eu3+ Nanophosphors and Gd2O3 : Eu3+/Silica, Y2O3 : Eu3+/Silica Nanocomposites, 2018, Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol.47 (2018), 585-593 Springer Nature Publisher
T.K.Anh, L.Q.Minh, Thi Quy Hai Nguyen, Vu Duc Tu, Wieslaw Strek, Ha Vu Thi Thai, Tuyen Ho Van, Minh Chau Pham Thi, Hung Nguyen and L.Q.Minh, Upconversion luminescence of Gd2O3: Er3+ and Gd2O3:Er3+/Silica nanophosphors fabricated by EDTA combustion method, 2019, Journal of Rare Earths ( JRE ) Vol. 37 ( 2019 ), 11, 1126 -1131
Sengthong Bounyavong, H.V.Tuyen, Thai An, P. V. Do, N.T.Q.Hai, P.M.Chau, V.X.Quang, Judd-Ofelt analysis of Dy3+ activated Aluminosilicate glasses prepared by Sol-gel method, 2018, Journal of Electronic Materials Vol47 ( 2018 ),N4, 2316-2323
H.V.Tuyen, Takamasa Nonaka, Ken-Ichi Yamanaka, P.M.Chau, N.T.Q.hai, V.X.Quang and Masayuki Nogami, Fluorescence properties of valence-controlled Eu2+ and Mn2+ ions in aluminosilicate glasses, 2017, Journal of Luminescence, 184 (2017) 83-88
T.K.Anh, P.T.M.Chau, N.T.Q.Hai and L.Q.Minh, Cathodo-, Thermo-, and Photoluminescent Properties of Nano- Y2O3: Eu3+ Fabricated by Controlled Combustion Synthesis, 2015, Journal of Nanomaterials ( JNM ), 2015, Article ID 637124, http://
Hồ Văn Tuyến, Phạm Thị Minh Châu, Nguyễn Thị Quý Hải, Trần Kim Anh, Phân tích thông số cường độ Judd-Ofelt đối với vật liệu Y2O3 : Eu3+ chế tạo bằng phương pháp nổ, 2017, International Coference on Physics of Solid State ( SPMS ) and Materials Science ( SPMS), Vietnam, 2017
T.K.Anh, P.T.M.Chau, N.T.Q.Hai, P.T.Viet Ha, Cathodoluminescence, Photoluminescence of Y2O3 Nanophosphors, 2014, National Conference on Optical and Spectroscopy and the 8th International Conference on Photonics and Application HNQHQP-ICPA8,pp. 134-142, 1859-4271s
N.T.Q.Hai, T.K.Anh, V.T.Thai Ha, P.T.M.Chau, L.Q.Minh, UV- Light induced thermoluminescence of rare earth doped nanomaterials Y2O3 : Eu3+, Gd2O3 : Eu3+ and Gd2O3 : Er3+, 2017, Communication in Physics 10910-40661-4-CE-305
Workshop and Conference Attended
2013, 2017,2018, 2019 Vietnam. Some international conferences on optical spectroscopy, materials science, and applications