Member Profile

Walaa Mahmoud
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences-
2018 Doctorate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences2011 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences2002 Undergraduate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences
CO PI of project title is “A step towards novel personalized breast cancer therapy from gut microbiome, based on its metabolites, women anthropometry, diet and pro-biotics intake” NRC is the Funding organization, November 2019 - 2022. 2. International project (Anthropology team member) title is” Community outreach approach for having a model of a village controlled from diabetes with improved quality of life: El Ibrahimia El Qeblia village- Damiatta governorate-Egypt” Funding organization is Australian Embassy Cairo 2017- 2018. 3. International project (Anthropology team member) title is “A community based nutritional behavioural intervention for Healthy kids: towards an exemplary model village Private sector partner: Nestle- Egypt, Sanofi, ABB Government partner: Ministry of Social Solidarity, Ministry of Health and population, Scientific and implementing partner: The National Research Center of Egypt 2017-2019 4. National project title National Prevalence Survey for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs): Assessing its Epidemiological Pattern and Risk Factors (environmental heavy metals- Microbiota) publications on reviewing process. 2017- 2019
Publications resulting from Research:
Salah S, El-Masry SA, Sheba HF, El-Banna RA, Saad W. "Bone Mineral Density in Egyptian Children with Familial Mediterranean Fever". Iran J Med Sci. 2016 Jan; 41(1):2-8.
2. Walaa Saad ,Hanan A. El Gamal, Sahar A. El-Masry , Muhammad Al-Tohamy , Ayman Nada , Amany Ebrahim.”Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in visceral obese Egyptian female adolescents with adenovirus 36 infection”. Childhood studies journal.2018
3. Sahar A. El-Masry , Hanan A. El Gamal , Muhammad Al-Tohamy, Ayman Nada, Amany H. Abdelrahman, Mohamed Kh. Metkees , Amany Ebrahim, Walaa Saad. “Infect Obesity in Egyptian Adolescent Females and Its Relations to Carotid Intima- Media Thickness” J Arab Soc Med Res 2018.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchCO principle investigator and project member in national and international health projects. supervisor on master and phd students. pediatrician consultant
Workshop and Conference Attended
10-14 march 2019 CAIRO BUE The 3rd international conference of Women in science networks, world forum of women in science1-2 April 2019 CAIRO UNIVERSTY The Euro- Mediterranean association of life in scinces, the 6th international Euro- Mediterranean conference and expo12-14 April 2019 GUC Cairo GERMAN- AFRICAN STRATIGIES: A partnership for better health education and development21-22 January 2020 Okayama – Japan The 11th international symposium for future technology creating better human health and society12- 14 February 2020 RIO DE JANERIO, BRAZIL. WORLD FORUM FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE | BRAZIL 2020 |4th International Conference for Women in Science without Borders: Energy, Water, Health, Agriculture and Environment for Sustainable DevelopmentAffiliations
Japan society for promotion of science JSPS HOPE FELLOWIndian Council of Medical ResearchPresentation given
Event:Event:Event:Event: -
Other Awards
Jul 2019Certificate of appreciation Dr. Ahmed Abu Ismail foundation in collaboration with Samanood general hospital for volunteering participation and contribution in world hepatitis day 2019volunteering participation and contribution in world hepatitis day 2019Feb 2019Certificate of appreciation biological anthropology department scientific excellencescientific excellence(Excellent PhD degree A+ 97% , 2018 ) 2019Aug 2019Invitation from Egyptian ministry of higher education & head of Academy Of Scientific Research & Technology with the attendance of the Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to attend and participate in the science day celebrity 2019Dec 2017National Research Centre Award on 2017CELEBRATION OF THE 60th celebrity of NRCAug 2017Certificate of appreciation Egyptian liver foundation for volunteering participation and contribution in world hepatitis day 2017volunteering participation and contribution in world hepatitis day 2017