Member Profile

Membership type: full
Maribel Duriez
Country of origin: Nicaragua Currently in: Nicaragua, Managua General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2010 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences1997 Master Social and Economic Sciences1992 Undergraduate Physics2002 Undergraduate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
I have conducted postgraduate research on higher education. I have published articles and studies of my own. Also, I conducted research with IESALC-UNESCO and the Interuniversity Development Center (CINDA) of Chile. I am currently a member of the academic committee for doctorates in higher education and intercultural studies. In both programs I direct doctoral theses.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Duriez, M. (2009). La Cultura Organizacional Universitaria y su influencia en la práctica evaluativa institucional. El caso de la UNI (1994-2006).Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Costa Rica. Autor. En
2. Duriez González, Maribel (2007), El papel de la educación superior en la construcción del conocimiento. Informe de apoyo. Instituto Internacional para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (IESALC). Recuperado de
3. Duriez, M. (2000). Interactions between academic culture and evaluation process in a Postgraduate Program: A case of the UNISTAFF Programme at Kassel University of Kassel.
4. Duriez, M. (2016). Informe Nacional de Educación Superior: Nicaragua. En Educación Superior en Iberoamérica 2016. Recuperado de
5. Duriez, M y Zamora, B. (2016). Informe Nacional de Educación Superior: El Salvador. En Educación Superior en Iberoamérica 2016. Recuperado de
6. Duriez, M y Obregón, B. (2016). Informe Nacional de Educación Superior: Guatemala. En Educación Superior en Iberoamérica 2016. Recuperado de
7. Duriez, M., López, V. y Moncada, G. (2016). Informe Nacional de Educación Superior: Honduras. En Educación Superior en Iberoamérica 2016. Recuperado de
8. Castillo, L., Lee, B. y Duriez, M. (2010). Impacto del proceso educacional en la carrera de Ingeniería Agroforestal, URACCAN Las Minas. Revista Ciencia e Interculturalidad. Volumen 7, No. 2. DOI:
9. López I, y Duriez, M. (2010). Situación de la evaluación del desempeño docente en la URACCAN Recinto las Minas, 2007-2008. Revista Ciencia e Interculturalidad. Volumen 6, No. 1. DOI:
10. Duriez, M, (2010). El retorno de la afectividad en el aula. Lección inaugural 2010, UPOLI. En Politécnica de Nicaragua.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchAdministrationTeachingI carry out management in an educational institution in the country that regulates quality assurance in higher education. I teach postgraduate courses and currently direct doctoral theses.
Presentation given
Event: -
Other Awards
Feb 2010Doctorate Honor GraduationRecognition of academic excellence in doctoral studiesSep 1997Master's Honor GraduationRecognition of academic excellence in master's studiesNov 2009Recognition of the Central American Council for AccreditationDiploma for distinguished participation in the attempt to guarantee and ensure the quality of higher education in the position of Vice President. 2007-2009Nov 2007Recognition of the Central American Council for AccreditationDiploma for distinguished participation and contribution to the quality assurance of higher education as Coordinator of the Technical Commission. 2004-2007Dec 2011Recognition from the National Council of Universities of NicaraguaThe contribution to improving the quality of higher education in NIcaragua is recognized in the Evaluation and Accreditation Commission 2005-2011Jul 2006Recognition by the Central American Agency for Accreditation of Engineering and Architecture programsThe contribution to the creation of the Central American Agency for Accreditation of the quality of Engineering and Architecture programs is recognized. July 2006.