Member Profile

Membership type: full
Wendy Carolina Valladares Motiño
Country of origin: Honduras Currently in: Honduras, Tegucigalpa General field of specialization: Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences- Academic Background
2017 Master Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences2015 Undergraduate Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology - Research and Profession
Current Research Activities
Publications resulting from Research:
• Scientific article: "Educational intervention on communicable diseases in the Experimental Educational Center of the UNAH" Wendy Valladares, Gabriela Rodríguez, Paola Paz and Vilma Espinoza. UNAH SOCIEDAD Magazine, December 2019.
• Scientific article: “Follow-up of patients with malaria using the thick film technique at 7 and 28 days after treatment, in El Paraíso, Honduras, from October-2017 to March-2018” Wendy Valladares and Julio Chinchilla. SICES Magazine, second edition, July 2019.
• Scientific article: “Performance of an HPV 16/18 E6 oncoprotein test for detection of cervical precancer and cancer, January 26, 2019” Annabelle Ferrera, Wendy Valladares, Yessy Cabrera, María de la Luz Hernandez, Teresa Darragh, Armando Baena, Maribel Almonte , Rolando Herrero, International Journal of Cancer, March 2019.
• Article: “Prevalence of intestinal parasites in the school population of rural Honduras” Doris Elieta Quan, María Mercedes Rueda Henríquez, Carlos Rodríguez Tercero, Wilfredo Sosa Ochoa, Fanny Hidalgo Villeda, Wendy Valladares Motiño, Joel García, Martiza Canales, UNAH Magazine SOCIETY, November 2016.
o Poster o Abstracts published in Memories or Magazines
• Poster "Parasitravaganza online parasite conference" The Australian Society for Parasitology Inc, Konny López, Wendy Valladares “Knowledge, attitudes and practices that the residents of the municipality of Villanueva, Cortés have about Leishmaniasis disease during 2019”, 30-31 July 2020.
• Poster XXV Congress of the Latin American Federation of Parasitology FLAP V Congress of the Panamanian Association of Microbiology and Parasitology. XVII Congress and XXII Scientific Conference of Medical Students. Julio Chinchilla, Wendy Valladares “Evaluation of the efficacy and resistance of antimalarials in positive malaria patients, followed up 7 and 28 days post-treatment, in El Paraíso Honduras, from October 2017 to March 2018”, November 2019.
• Poster XXV Congress of the Latin American Federation of Parasitology FLAP V Congress of the Panamanian Association of Microbiology and Parasitology. XVII Congress and XXII Scientific Conference of Medical Students. Wendy Valladares, Paola Escober “Knowledge, attitudes and practices about Leishmaniasis in the population of Aldea el Elixir, Sabá Municipality, Colón, Honduras between the period July to December 2018”, November 2019.
• International Poster: The 2nd International Blastocystis Conference. Valladares Wendy1, Contreras Marisol1,2, Cardona Fernando1,2, and Lara Delmy 2. “Prevalence of monoinfections by Blastocystis spp in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects in northwestern Honduras”, October 2018.
• International Poster: 32nd International Papillomavirus Conference IPVC 2018. 1 Wendy Valladares, 1Annabelle Ferrera, 2Elmer Turcios, 3Jaime Berumen. "Sequence variants of Human Papillomavirus type 16 in high grade cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN 2+) cases in Honduran women", October 2018.
• International Poster: International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1Ferrera Annabelle; 1Valladares Wendy, 2Henriquez Odessa. "Clinical utility of p16ink4a as a diagnostic adjunct for underlying CIN2 + cervical lesions", October 2017.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Teaching