Member Profile

Membership type: full
María José Benítez Galeano
Country of origin: Uruguay Currently in: Uruguay, Salto General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2014 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2011 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms2022 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Current profession
I'm a Junior Researcher at the Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit of the University of the Republic, Uruguay. I'm also finishing my PhD at the Molecular Virology Lab at the same University.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2019 Riverside, CA, USA Joint Conference of International Organisation of Citrus Virologists and IRCHLB2018 Uruguay International Symposium on Citrus Biotechnology2017 Uruguay National Congress of Biosciences2017 Cuba 5th International Symposium of Tropical and Sub Tropical Fruticulture2016 Chongqing, China 20th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists2015 Uruguay III Encuentro de Investigadores del Norte2015 Uruguay CITRICULTURA- Resultados de Investigación + Genética, sanidad y productividad2015 Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentinean Congress of Virology2014 Uruguay Informatics for Virologists2014 Uruguay 1 Congreso Latinoamericano de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Citrus2013 South Africa 19th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists2020 Berlin, Germany Genome assembly using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing2018 Uruguay Introduction to command line and programming2017 Uruguay Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assesment2017 Uruguay Hands-on metagenomics data analysis: tools for bioprospection in clinical and environmentalmicrobiology2014 Uruguay Workshop "Phylogeny and evolution of viral agents"2012 Uruguay Workshop "Basic workshop on cell culture"2012 Uruguay Workshop "Population dynamics and pathogenesis of RNA virus"2012 Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil VI Curso Internacional Teórico- Prático de Introducão à RNAi e miRNAs2011 Uruguay Real time PCR for research2011 Uruguay Structure, organization and evolution of bacterial genomes2011 Uruguay International Course Molecular Biology of Viral DiseasesAffiliations
International Organization of Citrus VirologistsPresentation given
2019Prevalence of citrus viruses and viroids: a snapshot of the Uruguayan citrus industryRiverside, CA, USAEvent: Joint Conference of the IOCV and IRCHLB2018PROGRESS ON CITRUS TRISTEZA VIRUS RESEARCH IN URUGUAY: UNRAVELLING THE ENEMY FROM THE INSIDEUruguayEvent: International Symposium of Citrus Biotechnology2017Citrus tristeza virus in the South American region: about its genetic diversity and evolutionCubaEvent: V Simposio de Fruticultura Tropical y Subtropical2017Diagnóstico, caracterización molecular y regionalización de virus y viroides de gran impacto para elsector citrícola nacional: resultados del proyecto FPTA 310UruguayEvent: Jornadas de Divulgación de Resultados en Citricultura2016EVOLUTIONARY DYNAMIC OF A NEW CTV GENETIC LINEAGE: WHAT DOES THE HISTORY TELL US?Chongqing, ChinaEvent: 20th IOCV Conference2015DETECCIÓN Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DE VIRUS Y VIROIDES EN LA CITRICULTURA DEL URUGUAY: APORTES SOBRE EL NUEVO LINAJE DE CTV EN SUDAMÉRICA Y SU REPERCUSIÓN EN LA PROTECCIÓN CRUZADAUruguayEvent: II Congreso Latinoamericano-Investigación y desarrollo tecnológico en Citrus2015CARACTERIZACIÓN MOLECULAR Y FILODINÁMICA DEL VIRUS DE LA TRISTEZA DE LOS CÍTRICOSEvent: Congreso Argentino de Virología2015CARACTERIZACIÓN MOLECULAR Y FILODINÁMICA DEL VIRUS DE LA TRISTEZA DE LOS CÍTRICOSUruguayEvent: III Encuentro de Investigadores del Norte2015DETECCIÓN Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DE VIRUS Y VIROIDES EN LA CITRICULTURA DEL URUGUAYUruguayEvent: III Encuentro de Investigadores del Norte2014Desarrollo de métodos moleculares para la detección y caracterización de virus y viroides de gran impacto en el sector productivo citrícola del UruguayUruguayEvent: Jornadas Biotecnología INIA2013MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF CTV ISOLATES IN URUGUAY: A PICTURE FROM THE PAST COMPARED TO PRESENTMpumalanga, South AfricaEvent: XIX Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists -
Other Awards
May 2013IOCV scholarshipFunding support to attend and make an oral presentation at the 19th International Organization of Citrus Virologists. The IOCV has made funds available to cover your registration, accommodation and meals (including the Gala dinner) at the conference as well as your to- and from- flights to the conference.Apr 2016IOCV scholarshipThe scholarship will be offered to cover the cost of international airfare, accommodation (hotels and meals), and registration for the 20th IOCV Conference.Mar 2019IOCV scholarshipScholarship to attend to the Joint Conference of the 21st International Organization of Citrus Virologists (IOCV) and the 6th International Research Conference on Huanglongbing (IRCHLB) in Riverside, California, USA. Our international scholarship committee has awarded you with the following financial support to attend the conference: • Complimentary Registration (up to $1,175 USD in value) • Up to $500 reimbursement for travel expenses