Member Profile
Ana Clara Sampaio Franco
Country of origin: Brazil Currently in: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2019 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2015 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2012 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Brazil, and also a member of the Kunhã Asé Network of Woman in Science. I am a digital content producer and founder of the Instagram of science dissemination @aquatic.invasions and @licta_unirio. I am also co-responsible for creating and maintaining the website of the Theoretical and Applied Ichthyology Lab ( I earned my PhD in Ecology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2019, my master’s degree in Biological Sciences (Neotropical Biodiversity) at UNIRIO in 2015, and my bachelor degree also in Biological Sciences at the same institution in 2012. My main research interests include the impacts of species introduction on biodiversity and ecosystems; aquatic ecology; species-habitat interactions; conservation biology; anthropogenic and abiotic influences on biodiversity; and implicit and explicit bias in academia.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. A.C.S.Franco, E. García-Berthou, L.N. Santos. Ecological impacts of an invasive top predator fish across South America. Science of the Total Environment (In press).
2. A.C.S.Franco, L.N. Santos, A.C. Petry, E. García-Berthou. Abundance of invasive peacock bass increases with water residence time of reservoirs in southeastern Brazil. Hydrobiologia 817: 155-166.
3. A.C.P.B. Marques, A.C.S.Franco, F. Salgueiro, E. García-Berthou, L.N.Santos. Genetic divergence among invasive and native populations of the yellow peacock cichlid Cichla kelberi. Journal of Fish Biology 89(6): 2595-2606
4. L.N. Santos, F. Salgueiro, A.C.S.Franco, A.C.P.B. Marques, F. Nóbrega. First record of the invasive blue peacock cichlid Cichla piquiti Kullander and Ferreira 2006 (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) in the Paraíba do Sul river basin, south eastern Brazil. BioInvasions Records 5: 267-275.
5. L.N. Santos, A.C.S.Franco, F. Salgueiro, A.C.P.B. Marques, F. Nóbrega. Molecular analysis confirms the introduction of a second species of yellow peacock cichlid Cichla monoculus Spix & Agassiz 1831 (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) in the Southeast Atlantic Hydrographic province, Brazil. BioInvasions Records 5: 277-284.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingHigher Education Study
Kunhã-Asé Network for Women in SciencePresentation given
2021Espécies introduzidas: presunção de inocência ou tragédia anunciada? Semana de Biologia da UNIRIO