Member Profile
Linda Lara Jacobo
Country of origin: Mexico Currently in: United States, California General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2020 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2012 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2010 Undergraduate Medical and Health Sciences incl Neurosciences -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
Postdoctoral researcher with experience in Toxicogenomics, Environmental Epidemiology, Environmental Health, and Science Diplomacy. Teaching experience of over eight years. Scientific fieldwork in the Lacandon Rain Forest, Cloud Forest, Boreal Forest, and epidemiology research in indigenous communities in Latin America. A strong advocate for diversity in STEM, I am a member of Cientifico Latino and Women Leaders in STEM (US-Mexico Leaders Network). I have worked on Agenda 2030 for the Sustainable Development Goals as Ambassador of My World Mexico and ExpertSDG (SDSN). Also, I am passionate about the fight against Climate Change, and I am a Climate Reality Leader and Mentor (Al Gore Training). I am a scientific advisor for the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Science Diplomacy (DiploCientifica). My recent achievements include winning the Merit Award for the Hispanic Women of the Year 2021 (professional category) and being selected to take part in an expedition to Antarctica with 99 other women, in which we will observe the effects of climate change on this region and bolster the representation of women in science leadership through the Homeward Bound program #TeamHB6.
Publications resulting from Research:
3. Islam Golam, Gedge Ashley, Lara-Jacobo L R, Desaulniers Jean-Paul, Kirkwood Andrea, and Simmons Denina. Technical Specifications of Methods Affecting the Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater-Parameters Influencing Sampling and Detection. In preparation and targeted journal: Water Research (Manuscript available upon request).
4. Lara-Jacobo L R., Islam Golam, Desaulniers Jean-Paul, Kirkwood Andrea, and Simmons Denina. First detection of SARS-COV-2 proteins in wastewater samples by Mass Spectrometric. In preparation and targeted journal: Nature Biotechnology (Manuscript available upon request).
5. Lauren Timlick, Lara-Jacobo L R, Jose Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Jules M. Blais, Mark L. Hanson, Bruce P. Hollebone, Diane M. Orihel, Vince P. Palace & Langlois VS. Physiological responses of fathead minnow embryos exposed to Cold Lake Blend diluted bitumen spilled at the IISD-Experimental Lakes Area. In preparation (Manuscript available upon request).
6. JM Gutierrez-Villagomez, G Patey, Tuan Ahn, Molly Lefebvre, Lara-Jacobo L R, Mohammedi S., & Langlois VS. Frogs Respond to Commercial Formulations of the Biopesticide Bti, especially their Intestine Microbiota. Submitted to Journal Environmental Science and Technology (Manuscript available upon request).
7. Alejandro Medela, José A. Ramíreza, Jesús Cárdenasa, Lara-Jacobo L R., Ignasi Sirésb, Yunny Measa. Toxicological evaluation of wastewater treated with electrochemical and photoelectrical methods. In preparation (Manuscript available upon request).
8. Lara-Jacobo L R., Gauthier, C., Xin, Q., Dettman, H. Dupont, F., Couture, P., Triffault-Bouchet, G & Langlois, VS. Temporal changes on biological and seasonal impacts of a diluited bitumen (CLB) emulsion generated in a wave tank. In preparation and targeted journal: Environmental Science and Technology (Manuscript available upon request).
9. Lara‐Jacobo, L. R., Gauthier, C., Xin, Q., Dupont, F., Couture, P., Triffault‐Bouchet, G., & Langlois, V. S. (2021). Fate and Fathead Minnow Embryotoxicity of Weathering Crude Oil in a Pilot‐Scale Spill Tank. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40(1), 127-138.
10. Lara-Jacobo, L. R., Willard, B., Wallace, S. J., & Langlois, V. S. (2019). Cytochrome P450 1A transcript is a suitable biomarker of both exposure and response to diluted bitumen in developing frog embryos. Environmental Pollution, 246, 501-508.
11. Leyva-Soto, A., Chavez-Santoscoy, R., Lara-Jacobo, L R., Chavez-Santoscoy, A., & Gonzalez-Cobian, L. (2018). Daily Consumption of Chocolate Rich in Flavonoids Decreases Cellular Genotoxicity and Improves Biochemical Parameters of Lipid and Glucose Metabolism. Molecules, 23(9).
12. Leyva-Soto, A., Chavez-Santoscoy, R. A., Lara-Jacobo, L. R., Re-Araujo, D., & Leal-Orozco, A. E. (2016). Daily consumption of dark chocolate containing flavanols prevents genotoxicity in buccal epithelial cells and improves biochemical parameters related to cardiovascular risk factors in young adults. The FASEB Journal, 30(1_supplement), 1176-19.
13. Lara-Jacobo, L R., Fernando díaz, Ana Denisse re. Sergio Padilla, Clara E. galindo-sanchez, Ana Lorena sanchez-lizarraga, Luis Antonio nuñez-moreno, y Dalia moreno-sierra. (2016). Physiological, metabolic, and hematological responses of the rocky red crab Cancer antennarius (Simpson) exposed to different concentrations of copper sulfate. Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 51(2), 327-336.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeaching1) Postdoctoral research fellow, The University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Oshawa, ON, Canada) Research Area: OMICS, Epidemiology, Proteomics, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Toxicology Project: Working with the surveillance of SARS CoV-2 in wastewater samples from the Durham Region, Ontario, Canada. Supporting Master students in the area of Toxicology (Micronucleus test and qPCR) Link: 2) Adjunct Professor (University Level) National Technological Institute of Mexico (Tecnológico Nacional de México) Ungraduated degree in nanotechnology engineering Teaching General Toxicology
Other Awards
Apr 2021Hispanic Women of the Year AwardsMerit Award Winner for 2021 in the “PROFESSIONAL” category