Member Profile

Membership type: full
Handina da Graça Lurdes Langa Massango
Country of origin: MOZAMBIQUE Currently in: Brazil, Viçosa - Minas Gerais General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2016 Master Agricultural Sciences2011 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
H. G. L. L. Massango; L. R. A. Faroni; K. Haddi; F. F. Heleno; L. O. Viteri Jumbo; E. E. Oliveira; Toxicity and metabolic mechanisms underlying the insecticidal activity of parsley essential oil on bean weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Online); Journal of Pest Science, v. 90, Issue 2, p. 723 – 733, 2017;
Mariane Borges Rodrigues de Ávila; Lêda Rita D'Antonino Faroni; Fernanda Fernandes Heleno; Luz Paola Velasquez; Handina da Graça Lurdes Langa Massango; Influência do gás ozônio na taxa respirométrica e massa corpórea de Rhyzoptertha dominica (F.); Anais da VI Conferência Brasileira de Pós-Colheita, 1a ed. Maringá, 2014, p. 563 - 570
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingLecturer at the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Gaza, in the area of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products. PhD student in Agricultural Engineering at the Viçosa Federal University .
Workshop and Conference Attended
2014 Brazil 6th Brazilian Post Harvest conference.2020 Higher Polytechnic Institute of Gaza - Mozambique International Post Harvest Symposium.2016 Higher Polytechnic Institute of Gaza - Mozambique 5th scientific days of the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Gaza.Affiliations
Viçosa Federal UniversityPresentation given
2014Influence of ozone gas on the respirometric rate and body mass of Rhyzoptertha dominicaMaringá - BrazilEvent: 6th Brazilian Post Harvest conference. -
Other Awards
Feb 2014Master's scholarshipMaster's scholarship, offered by the NICHE Mozambique project.