Member Profile
Membership type: full
Hanan Mohamed Mahrous
Country of origin: Egypt Currently in: Egypt, Cairo General field of specialization: Agricultural Sciences-
2009 Doctorate Agricultural Sciences2002 Master Agricultural Sciences1990 Undergraduate Agricultural Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Agricultural Sciences
Publications resulting from Research:
1. “Enovation Future for Economic Production of White cheese”, “The 2th International Conference of Food
Industries and Nutrition Division, “Future Trends in Food Science& Nutrition”, NRC, Cairo, 27-29/11/2005.
2. “Economical of Infant Milk In Egypt”, J.Annals of Agric.Sci., Moshtohor, Benha univ, Vol.46, No. (3): 35-48,2008.
3. “The Government Subsidy For Infant Milk In Egypt”, Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences: Vol.25, No. (7): 368-
4. “Study of the most important problems facing the producers of dairy products in Egypt “, The 4th International
Conference of Food Industries and Nutrition Division, Innovation in Food Science and Nutrition: Future
Challenges”, NRC, September 27- 29: 273-285(2010).
5. “Measure the impact of some variables on the level of productive capacities of the Fattening chicken farms in
Qaliubiya Governorate”, Egypt. J.Nature and Science, 9(7): 122- 131(2011).
6. “An Economic Study of the Current Situation of Cotton in Egypt”.J.Appl. Sci. Res., 8(2): 705- 718(2012)
7. “The Role and Efficiency of Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit in Qaluobiya Governorate”. Australian
J. Bassic and Appl. Sci., 6(10):557- 570 (2012).
8. “The Competitive Capacity for the Egypt Exports from Potatoes to the Most Important Foreign Markets Egypt”.
J.Agric. Economics, Vol. 23, No.(1): 387- 400(2013).
9. ”The Determinants of Demand on the Red Meats In Egypt”. Egypt. J.Agric. Economics, Vol.24, No.(4 ): 1535-
10. “Estimate the outside demand functions of Orange and grape crops in Egypt”. International Journal of
ChemTech Research. Vol. 9, No.(6): 86- 97. (2016).
11. “Economic Analysis of Milk Production in The Governorates of Egypt”. Egypt. J.Agric. Economics, Vol. 25, No.
(3):951- 966 (2015).
12. “Economic analysis of the factors that affect food Consumption Patterns in Egypt”. J.Annals of Agric.Sci.,
Moshtohor, Benha univ, Vol.54, No. (1): 285-200 (2016).
13. "Milk production and its role in food security in Egypt” International Journal of ChemTech Research, 9(12): 329-
14. “Economic Impact of Exchange Rate on the Importation Requirements of Dairy Industry in Egypt”.
International Journal of Dairy Science, 12(6): 348-358(2017).
15. “Impact of Technological Determinants on the Production and Marketing of Dairy Products in Small and
Medium Productive Projects in Egypt”. International Journal of Dairy Science, 12(6): 359-367(2017).
16. “Efficiency of water resources in small and medium-sized dairy factories in Egypt “. International Journal of
Dairy Science, 13(1): xx-xxx(2019).
17. “The competitiveness of Egyptian dairy products in world markets” Middle East J. Appl. Sci., 9(1): xx-xx, 2019.