Member Profile
Membership type: full
Marguerite Hortence TCHUENDEM KENMOGNE
Country of origin: Cameroon Currently in: Cameroon, Yaoundé General field of specialization: Chemical Sciences-
2005 Doctorate Chemical Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Chemical Sciences
collection and Extraction of plants, Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites, Biological activities and tries for preformulation of improved traditional medicine.
Publications resulting from Research:
1. Pascal D. Douanla, Marguerite Hortence K. Tchuendem, Alembert T. Tchinda, Turibio Kuiate Tabopda, Denis ZoFou, Ewa Cieckiewicz, Michel Frédérich, Augustin E. Nkengfack, 2018. Chemical constituents of the Leaves of Caloncoba welwitschii Gilg . Phytochemistry Letters 23, 5-8.
2. Pascal D. Douanla, Turibio Kuiate Tabopda, Alembert T. Tchinda, Ewa Cieckiewicz, Michel Frédérich, Fabrice Fekam Boyom, Nole Tsabang, Samuel Yeboah, Augustin E. Nkengfack, Marguerite Hortence K. Tchuendem*, 2015. Antrocarines A-F, antiplasmodial ergostane steroids from the stem bark of Antrocaryon klaineanum Pierre. Phytochemistry 117, 521-526.
3. Marguerite H. K. Tchuendem, Pascal D. Douanla, Turibio K. Tabopda, Alembert T. Tchinda, Véronique Tamze, Augustin E. Nkengfack, Berhanu M. Abegaz, Joseph D. Connolly, 2014. Two new glycosides from Duboscia macrocarpa Bocq. Phytochemistry Letters 10, 1 4.
4. Chiabi A, Kenmogne M.H., Nguefack S, Obadeyi B, Mah E, Meka FZ, Tchokoteu PF, Mbonda E, Ekoe T., 2011. The empiric use of palm kernel oil in neonatal skin care: justifiable or not? Chin. J. Integr. Med. 17, 950-4.
5. Alembert T. Tchinda, Marguerite H. Tchuendem, Shamsun N.Khan, Iman Omar, François Ngandeu, Pepin, E.A. Nkeng, Iqbal M. Choudhary, 2008. Antioxidant Activity of the Crude Extract of the Fruits of Pycnanthus angolensis and αGlucosidase Inhibitory Activity of its Constituents. Pharmacologyonline 1 : 422-431.
6. Donatien Gatsing , Pierre C. Djemgou , Ibrahim H. Garba , Roseline Aliyu , Marguerite H. Tchuendem , Pierre Tane , Bonaventure T. Ngadjui , Elisabeth Seguin and Godwin I. Adoga, 2007. Dihydronaphtalenone and Chromone from Cassia petersiana Bolle and the antisalmonellal Activity of its Crude Extract. Research Journal of Phytochemistry 1, 40-45.
7. P.C. Djemgou, D. Gatsing, M.H. Kenmogne, D. Ngamga, R. Aliyu, A.H. Adebayo, P. Tane, B. T. Ngadjui, E. Seguin and G. I. Adoga, 2007. An antisalmonellal agent and a new dihydroanthracenone from Cassia petersiana. Research Journal of Medicinal plant 1, 65-71.
8. Gamal-Eldeen A.M., Djemgou P.C., Tchuendem K.M.H., Ngadjui B.T., Tane P., Toshifumi H., 2007. Anti-cancer and immunostimulatory activity of chromones and other constituents from Cassia petersiana. Z Naturforsch C. 62, 331-8.
9. Kenmogne M., Prost E., Harakat D., Jacquier M.J., Frédérich M., Sondengam L.B., Zèches M., Waffo-Téguo P., 2006. Five labdane diterpenoids from the seeds of Aframomum zambesiacum. Phytochemistry. 67, 433-8.
10. Kamnaing P., Tsopmo A., Tanifum E.A., Tchuendem M.H., Tane P., Ayafor J.F., Sterner O., Rattendi D., Iwu M.M., Schuster B., Bacchi C., 2003. Trypanocidal diarylheptanoids from Aframomum letestuianum. Nat Prod. 66, 364-7.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchTeachingCOURSES TAUGHT TO STUDENTS Teaching of Theoretical Courses Teaching of practical Courses Supervision of Master thesis Supervision of Ph.D thesis Member of audition jury for the thesis pre-defense Member of the thesis jury at the University of Yaoundé I and Examiner of the thesis jury at the University of Dschang Member of the Department and Faculty Councils Departmental Research commission chairperson Member of level 3 Jury Department Library chairperson President of jury for the Organic Chemistry Department of the special recruitment of Assistant lecturer at the University of Yaoundé I, February 7th , 2021 session.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2011 République du Congo, Brazzaville Premier atelier international d’harmonisation et de renforcement de l’enseignement de chimie dans les lycées et universités d’Afrique centrale, .Affiliations
Member of Higher Institute for Growth in Health Research for Women (HIGHER Women) Consortium -
Other Awards
Jun 2007International Foundation for Science (IFS)Research grant N° F/3077-2Jun 2000International Foundation for Science (IFS)Research grant N° F/3077-1.