Member Profile

Membership type: full
Orisell Medina Lagrange
Country of origin: Dominican Republic Currently in: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2019 Doctorate Engineering sciences2002 Master Engineering sciences1999 Undergraduate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
"Mitigation of urban heating in Ibero-America through the thermo-optical response of building materials" and "Experimental characterization of the thermal behavior of green facades as a passive system for energy saving in buildings and CO2 capture"
Publications resulting from Research:
Perez, G.; Medina-Lagrange, O & Consuegra, F. Catalogue of Urban Surface Finish Materials:
Optimizing Solar Energy Management in Latin American Cities Located in Different Climatic Zones. PLEA 2022
Current profession
Current professional activities type:TeachingTeaching and Research
Workshop and Conference Attended
2021 Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Madrid, Spain. Open Heritage, Research and Society.2021 Online Smart Cities: means to mitigate the risks associated with climate change. Climate sensitive urban planning and means to optimize and monitor risks in cities2021 Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo. Antigua, Guatemala Risky cities versus resilient cities on the horizon of climate changeAffiliations
Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and SurveyorsPresentation given
2021Materials technology and its application in architectureUniversidad nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.Event: Symposium on Materials and Construction Techniques2020Education in PBL for sustainable urban development in the Caribbean: Results Citylab Caribbean- PUCMMPontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Santo Domingo, Dominican RepublicEvent: Citylab Caribbean National Conference2019The tacit and the explicit in the teaching of the architecture project. The sources of knowledgeUniversidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña, Santo Domingo, Dominican RepublicEvent: 4th Meeting of Scientific Research in Architecture and Urbanism -
Other Awards
Nov 2019Outstanding Director School of ArchitectureAwarded by the Architecture nucleus of the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors, CODIA, for the work carried out at the head of the PUCMM School of Architecture and Design.Mar 2019Women and ArchitectureSelected in the campaign carried out by the Arquitexto Magazine, on women with contributions in the discipline of architecture in the Dominican Republic, within the framework of the month of womenMay 2018Barrancolí AwardAwarded by the Fundación Bosque Sagrado, for contributions to the conservation of the environment in the Dominican RepublicMar 2018Meritorious Architecture ProfessorAwarded by the EFA-RD -Association of Schools and Faculties of Architecture, Dominican Republic.