Member Profile

Membership type: full
Country of origin: Republic of Türkiye Currently in: Republic of Türkiye, Adana General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2019 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Social and Economic Sciences
Early Mathematics Education Hypothetical Learning Trajectories Diffusion of Innovations and Innovation Eye Tracking Technology Cognition and Cognitive Development Artificial Intelligence in Early Childhood
Publications resulting from Research:
Yilmaz, N. (2019). The Effect of The Hypothetical Learning Trajectories and the Contribution of the Eye-Tracking Technology in Understanding the Young Children's Mathematical Patterning Recognition and Generalization. Doctoral Dissertation, Middle East Technical University.
Yilmaz, N. (2019). An Investigation of Preservice Early Childhood Teachers’ Levels of Individual Innovativeness and Perceived Attributes of Instructional Computer Use. Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
Baroody, A.J., Yilmaz, N., Clements, D., Sarama, J. (2021). Evaluating a Basic Assumption of Learning Trajectories: The Case of Early Patterning Learning. Journal of Mathematics Education, 13(2), 8-32.
Yilmaz, N., Olgan, R. (2020). Perceived Attributes of Instructional Computer Use in Early Childhood Education: A Scale Adaptation and Validation Study. Elementary Education Online Journal, 19(3),1267–1283 (Scopus).
Yılmaz, N., Alıcı, Ş. (2011). Investigating Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Computer Based Education in Science Activities. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 161-167 (SSCI).
Tanış, H. , Akçay, A. , Yılmaz, N. , Yiğit, M. F. & Tüzün, H. (2022). How usable is Coursera? A usability analysis through eye-tracking and authentic tasks . Participatory Educational Research , 9 (4) , 379-395 . DOI: 10.17275/per.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Higher Education StudyAssist. Prof. Dr., (Research and Teaching)
Other Awards
Sep 2021Emerging Researcher AwardGiven by European Educational Research Association (EERA), ERC/ECERApr 2019International Scholars Travel AwardGiven by American Educational Research Association (AERA)Jan 2017International Research Fellowship PhD StudentsGiven by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of TürkiyeJun 2014Thesis of the YearGiven by Middle East Tehnical UniversityJan 2011International Publication AwardGiven by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of TürkiyeJun 2011International Publication AwardGiven by Middle East Tehnical University