Member Profile

Membership type: full
Weihua Zhang
Country of origin: China Currently in: China, Beijing General field of specialization: Engineering sciences-
2013 Doctorate Engineering sciences -
Current Research Activities
Engineering sciences
Research on the neutron and gamma microdosimetry and radiation oncology. Development of kinds of Ionization Chambers to monitor photon and proton for radiotherapy. Research on the Monte Carlo simulation of radiation effect on human cell and DNA. Development of portable Single Sphere Neutron Spectrometer to detect atmospheric neutron in balloon cabin
Publications resulting from Research:
1 Weihua Zhang, Hongbin Kang, Yingjie Wang, et al, Development of a portable Single Sphere Neutron Spectrometer, Radiation Measurements, 2021, 140, p.106509.
2 Yisheng Zou,Weihua Zhang*, Chunjuan Li, et al, Construction and test of a single sphere neutron spectrometer based on pairs of 6Li-and 7Li-glass scintillators, Radiation Measurements, 2019, 127: 1-7.
3 Weihua Zhang,Chunjuan Li, Yisheng Zou, et al, The Determination of Neutron Fluence to Absorbed Dose Conversion Coefficients and Relative Biological Effect based on Microdosimetry Measurements, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2019, 187(2).
4 Weihua Zhang, Chunjuan Li, Zhiqiang Wang, et al, Design and preliminary Test of a multi-element Tissue-equivalent Proportional Counter based on the Gas Electron Multiplier, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.A, 2019, 916: 37-41.
5 Weihua Zhang,Ning Ni, Zhiqiang Wang, et al, Construction and Test of a Portable Tissue-Equivalent Proportional Counter System, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2018, 179(1): 95-100.
6 Weihua Zhang, Zhiqiang Wang,Yina Liu,et al, TEPC PERFORMANCE FOR A REFERENCE STANDARD, Radiation Protection Dosimetry,2014,158(2).
Current profession
Current professional activities type:Research