Member Profile

Membership type: full
Denise Valdez
Country of origin: Honduras Currently in: Honduras, Tegucigalpa M.D.C. General field of specialization: Social and Economic Sciences-
2019 Master Social and Economic Sciences2015 Undergraduate Other2022 Doctorate Social and Economic Sciences -
Current Research Activities
Doctoral thesis: Influence of the competitiveness of education on the Honduran economy
Publications resulting from Research:
Factors influencing the use of educational ICTs by university students in Costa Rica according to the UTAUT2 model.
Trends in the young adult segment of the Costa Rican urban real estate market
Job satisfaction of Honduran university teachers in the teledocency modality during the health emergency.
Development of research as social educational work by Innovatec high school students in 2020.
Current profession
Current professional activities type:AdministrationProject design, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation.
Workshop and Conference Attended
2022 Honduras Manuscript writing workshop - UNITEC2022 Honduras Methods and techniques of the seventh APA - UNAH2022 Honduras University teaching in virtual environments certificate - LASPAU2022 Honduras Introduction to Power BI - UNITEC2022 Honduras Foundations of project manager - Google2021 Honduras Digital competences for the accompaniment and evaluation of learning in Teleducation - UNITEC2020 Honduras Virtual Conference on Educational Innovation - UNAH2020 Honduras International Congress of Educational Innovation - TEC de MonterreyPresentation given
2022Factores que inciden en el uso de las TICs educativas en los estudiantes universitarios en Costa Rica según el modelo UTAUT2United StatesEvent: LACCEI2022Tendencias en el mercado inmobiliario urbano de Costa Rica en el segmento de adultos jóvenesUnited StatesEvent: LACCEI2022Service - LearningHondurasEvent: Education Innovation Congress - UNITEC2022Workshop for student researchers: Atlas TIHondurasEvent: Training program for researchers - UNITEC2022Project formulationHondurasEvent: Diploma in Integrated Integral Management for Project Management