Member Profile

Membership type: full
Lidia Antonella Rivera
Country of origin: Honduras Currently in: Honduras, Tegucigalpa General field of specialization: Biological Systems and Organisms-
2015 Doctorate Biological Systems and Organisms2011 Master Biological Systems and Organisms2010 Undergraduate Biological Systems and Organisms -
Current Research Activities
Biological Systems and Organisms
My research focuses on artisanal fishing communities in Europe, South America, and Central America. I employ a range of tools such as time-series analyses, perception research, and bioeconomic modeling to identify the main drivers and deterrents for sustainability, and develop solutions that adapt to the social, economic, and environmental needs of these communities.
Publications resulting from Research:
Rivera A.*, San Martin J. & J. Myton. Transitioning to co-management in Caribbean reef fisheries: Tela Bay case study. Sustainability Science. DOI:
Rivera A.*, Gelcich S., García-Flórez L. & JL. Acuña. (2019). Social attributes can drive or deter the sustainability of bottom-up management systems. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:
Rivera, A.*, Gelcich, S., García-Flórez, L., & Acuña, J. L. (2017). Heterogeneous management and conservation perceptions within the gooseneck barnacle co-management system in Asturias (N. Spain). Marine Policy, 81, 229- 235. DOI:
Rivera, A.*, Unibazo, J., Leon, P., Vásquez-Lavín, F., Ponce, R., Mansur, L., & Gelcich, S. (2017). Stakeholder perceptions of enhancement opportunities in the Chilean small and medium scale mussel aquaculture
industry. Aquaculture, 479, 423-431. DOI:
Rivera, A.*, Gelcich S., García-Flórez L. & JL. Acuña. 2016. Incorporating landscape-metrics in invertebrate fisheries management: case study of the gooseneck barnacle in Asturias (N. Spain). ICES Journal of Marine Science. DOI: :
Rivera, A.*, Gelcich S., García-Flórez L. & JL. Acuña. 2016. Trends, drivers and lessons from a long-term data series of the Asturian (Northern Spain) gooseneck barnacle territorial use rights system. Bulletin of Marine Science. DOI:
Rivera, A.*, Gelcich S., García-Flórez L. & JL. Acuña. 2016. Assessing the sustainability and adaptive capacity of the gooseneck barnacle co-management system in Asturias, N. Spain. AMBIO: 1-11. DOI:
Rivera, A.*, Gelcich, S., García-Flórez L., Alcázar, J. & J.L. Acuña. 2014. Co-management in Europe: Insights from the gooseneck barnacle fishery in Asturias, Spain. Marine Policy 50: 300-308. DOI:
Rivera, A.*, Weidberg N, Pardiñas AF, González-Gil R, García-Flórez L, et al. 2013. Role of Upwelling on Larval Dispersal and Productivity of Gooseneck Barnacle Populations in the Cantabrian Sea: Management Implications. PLoS ONE. DOI:
Geiger, K., Rivera, A.... & J. Acuña. (2022). Coping with poachers in European stalked barnacle fisheries: Insights from a stakeholder workshop. Marine Policy. DOI:
Current profession
Current professional activities type:ResearchOtherI work as a researcher and conservationist to develop adaptive, holistic, and participatory solutions for resilient marine social-ecological systems. I use diverse tools to understand the dynamics between ecosystems and society, and develop science-based conservation strategies that meet the needs of coastal communities.
Asturias Marine Observatory - University of Oviedo -
Other Awards
Jul 2010Fundación Carolina ScholarshipFundación Carolina Scholarship to study the Masters in Marine Biodiversity and ConservationAug 2011Formación del Profesorado Universitario Spanish national scholarshipFormación del Profesorado Universitario national scholarship to assess the status of the gooseneck barnacle fisheries in Spain as part of a doctoral thesis.Sep 2014Ayuda Complementaria de Estancia Breve Spanish GovernmentAyuda Complementaria de Estancia Breve to carry out a 3-month research stay in California Polytechnic University.Jul 2014Best student oral presentation in the IMBER Future Oceans ConferenceBest student oral presentation in the IMBER Future Oceans Conference in Bergen, Norway 2014Oct 2015Young Investigator award Mote SymposiumYoung Investigator award for best oral presentation in the Florida State 9th Mote Symposium