The OWSD newsletter brings you the latest news and announcements from the Secretariat and from our international network. In this edition, we share the results of the OWSD Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, introduce you to a creative new venture in filmmaking, meet two OWSD fellows as well as many recent PhD graduates, and more.
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The OWSD newsletter brings you the latest news and announcements from the Secretariat and from our international network. In this edition, we share an exciting opportunity for women scientists working on climate change and the environment, celebrate reaching our 50th National Chapter, meet West Africa's only micrometeorologist, and more.

Call for Applications: 2023 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards

in Food security, Agricultural productivity & Sustainable food production 

2021 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Award winners

The Call for Applications for the 2023 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards are currently open to candidates working in the areas of food security, agricultural productivity, and sustainable food production. Applications close September 15, 2022. These awards reward and encourage women working and living in eligible developing countries who are in the early stages of their scientific careers. Winners receive USD $5000 as well as a trip tp the prize ceremony at the AAAS conference in the US and other opportunities.

OWSD reaches 50 National Chapters worldwide 

PhD Fellowship

With the establishment of the Dominican Republic National Chapter in May 2022, OWSD now counts 50 active National Chapters around the world, all working to strengthen women's role in the development process and promote their representation in scientific and technological leadership.

Celebrating recent OWSD PhD graduates

PhD Fellowship

We celebrate the 13 fellows who have managed to graduate with their PhDs in recent months, from an industrial engineer from Zimbabwe creating shared value through micro-manufacturing factories to an agrometereologist assessing impact of crop models on climate change in Ethiopia.

The great sense of community provided by OWSD helps to break the barrier of the impossible and to achieve excellence among women scientists.

Lim Yang Mooi, Chair of the OWSD Malaysia National Chapter

OWSD article on 'Resilient women scientists and the COVID-19 pandemic' published in Economia Politica

An editorial published in the Springer journal Economia Politica in March, 'Resilient women scientists and the COVID-19 pandemic: an OWSD analysis,' investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women scientists from the Global South - specifically, OWSD members - to understand their resilience and adaptation strategies, utilising data from a member survey that examined the effects on members’ work and employment, home and family lives, and mental well-being. The article is part of a special issue of the journal focused on 'Women, Pandemics and the Global South'.

Meet the OWSD Fellows

Ossénatou Mamadou

Ossénatou Mamadou, West Africa's only micrometerologist, is using physics to better understand variability in her region's climate. Under the Early Career fellowship, she is investigating how changes in land use and land cover affect the variability of energy, water vapor and CO2 exchanges and thus climate variability and ecosystem functioning in the region.

Alkhansa Salih Mahmoud

Alkhansa Salih Mahmoud, a PhD fellow from Sudan, is currently completing a full-time fellowship at Universiti Putra Malaysia, where she is determining the effectiveness of a drug called octreotide acetate as a radiosensitizer in breast cancer cell lines. Alkhansa hopes that her research can improve the outcome of targeted radiotherapy, which continues to be an important option in cancer treatment.

OWSD Applauds

Celene B. Milanes

@CeleneBatis · Jun 9

#50OWSDNCs Congratulations!! @OwsdColombia & @OwsdSecretariat is internationalism. No hay fronteras ni idiomas para esta organización. Thanks for allowing me to be part of all of you. @Owsd_GT @HondurasOwsd @GhanaOwsd @OwsdB @OwsdBrasil @Ecuador_OWSD @OWSDMalawi


In this corner we highlight some of the most exciting recent achievements of our fellows, alumnae, and awardees. Way to go, ladies!

  • Nafisa Islam, a 2020 Early Career Fellow from Bangladesh, was awarded the first ever internal research grant from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) for her research proposal on novel photocatalysis-based virus inactivation (with co-PI Shoeb Ahmed).

  • promotion ceremony
  • Linda Nyamen, a 2020 Early Career Fellow as well as PhD fellowship alumna, from Cameroon, has been promoted to the grade of Associate Professor at the University of Yaounde I. She was awarded a certificate of academic excellence by Cameroon’s Minister of State and Minister of Higher Education on March 7, 2022 at the National Advanced Engineering School, as part of a special ceremony to recognize all women promoted to the grades of Associate Professor and Full Professor.

  • Veronica Okello a 2019 Early Career Fellow from Kenya, was profiled by Nature in February 2022 as part of the 8-part series 'Voices in Africa'. She shares her achievements as an OWSD fellow and urges young researchers to air their views and to approach their professors for professional opportunities.

  • induction ceremony
  • Chakirath F. A. Salifou, a 2019 Early Career Fellow from Benin received an award for women's leadership in Africa in March 2022, given by the NGO IFE Africa

  • Meththika Vithanage, a 2018 Early Career Fellow from Sri Lanka, was elected as a Fellow of the Sri Lankan National Academy of Sciences; the induction ceremony was held on March 5, 2022. She also received the prestigious Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi award for environmental remediation research from TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences, in 2021.

OWSD Around the World

Here are a few recent highlights from our network of 50 active National Chapters.

6 New OWSD National Chapters

OWSD Egypt logo

The OWSD Egypt National Chapter in partnership with the Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI) organized a workshop on 16 March on ‘The importance of nutrition during the COVID pandemic and after,” at EPRI in Cairo. EPRI Director Yasser Moustafa welcomed OWSD members and discussed women in the field of petroleum research, followed by a presentation by chapter Chair Mervat Foda on the OWSD vision and mission. Two special lectures were given on the COVID-19 pandemic and immunity, and on the effects of nutrition during infections. Foda was also invited by the Arab Women Organization (AWO) to participate in a roundtable discussion on 15 March, on the subject of ‘Building Medical Technology Skills for Arab Women’. Egypt’s Minister of Scientific Research as well as women academic and other leaders from several Arab countries participated in the roundtable.

OWSD Nigeria logo

The OWSD Nigeria – Port Harcourt branch continued its regular series of scientific seminars, with several new lectures: on ‘STEM Women: Co-creating our Collective Future’ by Eliane Ubalijoro, in April; on ‘Maternal healthcare: Improving the workforce’ by Olusayo A. Shorinwa, in May; and on ‘The Ancestor Who Speaks is the Earth: Pumzi and the Invitation to Listen’ (on African women’s connection with the Earth), by Maria E. Hamilton Abegunde, in June. They additionally announced their branch’s 6th Biennial International Conference with the theme ‘Diversity and Innovation in Science for Sustainable Development’, to be held 19-23 March, 2023. OWSD members are invited to participate, with abstracts being collected through December 30, 2022.

LAC Leadership Summit flyer

network icon

On Thursday, April 28, more than 50 women scientists, leaders from 15 OWSD countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, gathered for the first time at a Leadership Summit, with the aim of becoming more acquainted with each other and building together an OWSD LAC regional agenda towards 2025. The meeting was held virtually. It involved participants from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Perú, and Uruguay. In addition, 5 organizing teams were convened for the establishment of OWSD National Chapters in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Chile, the Dominican Republic, and Paraguay. As an outcome of the summit, OWSD LAC was able to produce the first draft of a Regional Agenda through 2025, which is currently in the process of validation and will be finalized and announced during the latter half of 2022.


OWSD Egypt National Chapter members at the workshop on 'The importance of nutrition during the COVID pandemic and after', March 16 at the Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.

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