Christelle Noelle Dzesse Tekouo
Chemical Sciences
Mastering Materials and Opening Minds
All this has broadened my knowledge for this domain of science, gave me an open mind and also allowed me to learn many things.

Christelle Noelle Dzesse Takouo is currently completing her PhD in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Cape Town, where she researches syntheses of novel metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), characterizations and application studies.
""I have now mastered the synthesis of inorganic materials using autoclaves and vials and can use various instrumentations, namely: the single crystal and powder diffractometer; the differential scanning calorimeter; the thermogramme; the host stage microscopy; and the infrared machine. In addition to this, I am able to use various software for structure solution (but still need to learn others that are useful for structure interpretation). I also acquired some scientific writing skills through the different workshops I attended. All this has broadened my knowledge for this domain of science, gave me an open mind and also allowed me to learn many things through the different laboratory seminars, departmental seminars as well as the international conferences we had. Finally, all these acquired skills can also help me to build more contacts for my career."