
OWSD National Chapter


297 Members

12 PhD Fellows

36 PhD Graduates

5 Early Career Fellows

1 Awardee

The OWSD Cameroon National Chapter was established in March 2019, hosted at the University of Yaounde I. Among its activities are: setting up STEM clubs in secondary schools; collecting data on gender statistics and participation of women in STEM research; teaching and governance; advocating for policies for gender mainstreaming in science and women's equal access to educational training and resources; and providing training and resources for women scientists, for career development and work-life balance.

Contact: Nangah Che Randyowsdcam@gmail.comOWSD Cameroon website

Executive Committee


Elvira Hortense Biye

Vice Chair

Linda Dyorisse Nyamen


Randy Nangah Che


Bridinette Thiodjo Sendja


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Biological Systems and Organisms
Full Member
Approved on:
July 2017
Chemical Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
July 2017
Agricultural Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
May 2017
Chemical Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
February 2017
Biological Systems and Organisms
Full Member
Approved on:
February 2017
Mathematical sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
February 2017
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Full Member
Approved on:
February 2017
Chemical Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
December 2016
Chemical Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
November 2016
Biological Systems and Organisms
Full Member
Approved on:
September 2016
Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
Full Member
Approved on:
August 2016
Computing and Information Technology
Full Member
Approved on:
August 2016
Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
August 2016
Agricultural Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
August 2016
Chemical Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
August 2016
Chemical Sciences
Full Member
Approved on:
May 2016


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