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Introducing "Best in Her Field": the first advocacy game for women scientists

May 23, 2024

The big day has finally come! The first advocacy game for women scientists has arrived!

Working in partnership with the Humanitarian Engineering Department of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) is proud to announce the release of the first prototype of a board game that represents the journey of women scientists from the developing world. At OWSD, we believe that gamification will help many women scientists and others to experiment with policy solutions to make science more inclusive and accessible.

What is gamification?

Gamification is the process of applying game-design elements and principles in non-game contexts to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals. It has been increasingly used as a tool for policy-making, as it provides an interactive and engaging way to explore complex issues, brainstorm solutions, and foster collaboration among stakeholders. By simulating real-world scenarios, gamification helps participants to better understand the challenges and opportunities in a particular field and to think unleash collective intelligence to think creatively about potential solutions.

What is "Best in Her Field" All About?

"Best in Her Field" is the first advocacy game that represents the journey of many women scientists from the developing world, including all the challenges they face while establishing themselves as impactful professionals. It builds on OWSD 30-years experience in supporting the trajectory of women scientists from developing countries, as well as on the real life experiences share by the 10,000+ OWSD members. By playing, participants have the opportunity to brainstorm and analyze possible policy solutions to overcome these challenges and to use their journey to make their environment more inclusive and accessible for all women and girls.

The first prototype of the game has just been tested with OWSD Early Career Fellows attending the "GAMECHANGERS. Women in research and advocacy for gender and policy change workshop", 20-23 May 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are excited to finalize the game for broader use.

A Tool for OWSD National Chapters and Members

When the final version is ready, we hope to use "Best in Her Field" as a tool for all OWSD National Chapters and members. Our goal is to create awareness and develop policy solutions that will transform the scientific landscape, making it more inclusive, diverse, and equitable. By engaging with the game, participants can gain a deeper understanding of the barriers faced by women scientists and work collaboratively to devise strategies that promote inclusivity.

Stay tuned for the final release and get ready to play!

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