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The Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa fellowship programme

September 16, 2015

Eligible fields  Women's human rights

Type of fellowship  The LAWA Fellowship provides the tuition for the Foundations of American Law and Legal Education Course (a U.S. $2,200 benefit) and for the LL.M. degree (a U.S. $42,065 benefit) at the Georgetown University Law Center, as well as professional development training. Candidates who are admitted to the LAWA Program must be prepared to cover the costs of all additional expenses (such as their visas, travel, housing, utilities, food, clothing, health insurance, books, etc.), and must be able to demonstrate to the U.S. Embassy for visa purposes that they have the funds available to cover those expenses (approximately $25,000).

Target group  Women

Age limit  None

Host info  Georgetown Law Center’s Foundations of American Law and Legal Education course.

Duration  Approximately 14 months long

Number of awards given each year  No set number

Eligible costs  Not specified

Non eligible costs  Not specified

Amounts  $25,000

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