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OWSD South Africa: New National Chapter Executive Committee elected for 2021-2024

October 16, 2021

It is with great pleasure to announce the new OWSD Executive Committee members for 2021-2024

The Organisation for Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD) South Africa National Chapter is hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). It was inaugurated in 2009 and is made up of a group of OWSD International members in South Africa who aim to increase and promote female participation in Science and Technology (S&T) professions, in scientific leadership, and in decision-making processes at the national level.

The objectives of OWSD include:

  1.  Increasing the participation of women in developing countries in scientific and technological research, teaching and leadership.
  2.  Increasing access of women in developing countries to the socio-economic benefits of science and technology, promoting the participation of women scientists and technologists in the sustainable and economic development of their country.
  3. Increasing understanding of the role of science and technology in supporting women's development activities.
  4. Promoting the recognition of the scientific and technological achievements of women scientists and technologists in developing countries.
  5. Promoting of collaboration and communication among women scientists and technologists in developing countries and with the international scientific community as a whole.

With the above mentioned, it is with great pleasure to announce the new OWSD Executive Committee members for 2021-2024. The members of the Executive Committee are a combination of those that were re-elected and those that were elected for the first time. They are:
- Dr Caroline Pule from the University of Cape Town (Chairperson)
- Prof Tricia Naicker from the University of Kwazulu-Natal (Vice Chairperson),
- Dr Rakeshnie Ramoutar-Prieschl from the University of Pretoria,
- Dr Phyllis Kalele from the Academy of Science of South Africa,
- Dr Natisha Dukhi from the Human Science Research Council (HSRC) and,
- Dr Awelani Mirinda Mutshembele from the South African Medical Research Council.

We wish them all the success in their roles in shaping the future of South Africa by advancing gender equality and equity in Science, Technology and innovation.

Professor Himla Sooydall
Executive Officer: Academy of Science of South Africa

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