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The Zawadi Africa Education Fund

September 16, 2015

Eligible fields  Computer science, computer engineering and/or ICT.

Type of fellowship  The Zawadi Africa Education Fund is a program designed to provide undergraduate scholarships to academically gifted girls/ women from disadvantaged backgrounds from Africa to pursue higher education in the US. Google encourages African women through the program to pursue careers in computer science as part of it’s ongoing support of education in Africa and commitment to diversifying it’s engineering talent pool. In 2009, Google partnered with the Zawadi Africa Educational Fund to grant five Kenyan women full undergraduate scholarships to complete degrees in computer science, computer engineering and/or ICT.

Target group  Women from Africa

Age limit  None

Host info  Africa

Duration  Not specified

Number of awards given each year  No set number

Eligible costs  Not specified

Non eligible costs  Not specified

Amounts  Not specified

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