Celebrating our recent OWSD PhD graduates, 2020-2021
June 10, 2021
Congratulations to these 17 scientists who have recently graduated with their PhDs!

2014 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, in electrical engineering
Title of PhD: "Beam tilt tapered slot antenna arrays with two dimension planes for wireless communications"
2015 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: Université de Lomé, Togo, in medical entomology
Title of PhD: "Evaluation of the effectiveness of malaria diagnosis tools, prevention and antivector control strategies and the level of resistance of malaria vectors to insecticides in Togo"
2017 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, in physical geography
Title of PhD: "Landslide risk of Sino-Nepal transportation corridor: A case of the Kathmandu Kyirong highway"
2016 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: Rhodes University, South Africa, in biochemistry
Title of PhD: "An evaluation of the cytotoxic activities of novel artemisinin derivatives: towards targeted therapies for triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC)"
2014 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, in medicine (chemical pathology)
Title of PhD: "Investigation into the effect of HIV viral proteins on endothelial function in the HIV-infected population"
2016 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Medical Sciences and Technology, Sudan, in medical laboratory sciences (haematology specialization)
Title of PhD: "The frequency of JAK2V617F mutation and its effect on the haematological parameters, coagulation and pro-inflammatory IL-6 levels in Sudanese patients with essential thrombocythemia"
2016 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), in environmental science
Title of PhD: "Effects of conservation agriculture on ecosystem services and its adoption by vulnerable rural communities of Kenya and Tanzania"
2014 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Cape Town, South Africa, in physics
Title of PhD: "Observation of the electroweak production of two same-sign W bosons in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector"
2014 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Cape Town, South Africa, in engineering sciences
Title of PhD: "E-learning in universities in Uganda: Predictors of successful adoption"
2012 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Pretoria, South Africa, in agronomy
Title of PhD: "Glyphosate resistance in Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist: a morphological, physiological, and molecular perspective"
2015 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Ghana, in chemistry
Title of PhD: "Isolation and characterisation of a new bioactive lipopeptide homologues from the novel Ghanaian Bacillus sp. strain DE2B"
2017 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology, Kenya, in food science and nutrition
Title of PhD: "Effect of post-harvest handling on mycotoxin levels in soybeans from Rwanda and processing effects on nutritional value and acceptability of soymilk"
2014 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Cape Town, South Africa, in integrative biomedical sciences
Title of PhD: "Integration of multi-omic data and neuroimaging characteristics in studying brain related diseases"
2015 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: Universiti Putra Malaysia, in agricultural sciences
Title of PhD: "Effect of salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) inoculation on crop growth, biochemical properties and yield of rice"
2015 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: Sikkim University, India, in geography
Title of PhD: "Assessment of the catchment flow variability of Teesta River basin in Sikkim"
2016 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Science and Technology of Masuku, Gabon, in animal physiology and pharmacology
Title of PhD: "Study of the bio-efficacy of Guibourtia tessmannii (Harms) J. Leonard and Milicia excelsa (Welw.), medicinal plants used in the treatment of diabetes in Gabon"
2015 fellow | 2021 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Yaounde I, Cameroon, in organic chemistry
Title of PhD: "Chemical constituents of Beilschmiedia louisii Robyns & R. Wilczek, Beilschmiedia obscura Engl. and Persea americana Mill.: Structures, synthesis of some derivatives of beilschmiedic acid E and pest control activities (Lauraceae)."
Portia Adade Williams
2016 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Cape Town, South Africa, in environmental and geographical science
Title of PhD: "An integrated approach to climate vulnerability and adaptation assessment of smallholder production systems: Evidence from horticultural production in Ghana"
2014 fellow | 2020 graduate
PhD awarded from: University of Cape Town, South Africa, in engineering sciences
Title of PhD: "E-learning in universities in Uganda: Predictors of successful adoption"