76 Members
The El Salvador National Chapter of OWSD was established in September 2021 and is hosted at the Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador (UTEC) in San Salvador. Among the national chapter's planned activities are establishing a database of women in science in El Salvador, orchestrating an awareness, training and visibility campaign for women in science in the country, establishing collaborative research networks with other regional chapters on strategic priorities, promoting girls' and young women's participation in STEM, and instituting a national congress of women scientists.
Contact: Camila Calles-Mineroowsd.elsalvador@gmail.com
Camila Calles-MineroVice Chair
Karina Esther Grégori MéndezSecretary
Deysi Maribel Renderos de MolinaTreasurer
Diana Elizabeth Jiménez de ContrerasThere are no upcoming events at this time.
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